5 Largest Medical Device Companies in the World

2. Siemens Healthineers 

Revenue: $97.4 B

Market Cap: $75.4 B

Number of Employees: 54,000

Assets: $171 B

Headquarters: Munich, Germany

Siemens is a global tech company based in Germany and is the largest engineering company in Europe in the energy, industry, and healthcare sectors. Siemens Healthineers specializes in the production of medical imaging, clinical IT, and laboratory diagnostics tools. In response to COVID-19, Siemens Healthineers developed CLINITEST Rapid COVID-19 antigen test. An easy-to-use visual reading test that does not require the administration of laboratory instruments or specialized laboratory personnel and delivers results in 15 minutes.An easy-to-use visual reading test that does not require the administration of laboratory instruments or specialized laboratory personnel and delivers results in 15 minutes.

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