5 Largest European Companies By Market Cap in 2020

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1. Nestle

Total market cap as at June 30, 2020 (in billions of dollars): 328

Easily topping the list of the 5 largest European companies by market size in 2020 is Nestle, the Swiss giant which is also the largest food and beverages company in the entire world. Nestle is synonymous with food and beverages across the world, and even though it is headquartered in Vaud, Switzerland, it actually has a presence in most countries around the world, a count which exceeded 180. Nestle is involved in the production of milk, baby food, medical food, bottled water, cereal, tea, coffee, confectionary items, ice cream, chocolates, frozen food and pet food among other items. It is also the largest dairy company in the world, even if you exclude all non dairy sales, showing the size and strength of the company.

Nestle provides employment to 339,000 people across the world and was formed over a century ago in 1905. While it has grown both organically and through mergers and acquisitions, it has also attracted significant controversy for its controversial practices in many c0untries, from trying to recollect debt from Ethiopia while it was suffering a major famine to child soldiers to unethical advertising to the way it produces and promotes its bottled water. Despite all these controversies, boycotts and litigation, it is still the biggest company in Europe and one of the biggest in the entire world.

See also 10 Most Profitable Companies in America in 2020 and 10 Most Profitable Companies in the World in 2020

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