5 Largest Energy Companies in the World

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Below you can see our list of the 5 largest energy companies in the world. For a more comprehensive list please see this article.

5. Total SE (NYSE:TOT)

Market cap of the company (in billions of dollars): 144.7

Revenue of the company (in billions of dollars): 200.3

Assets of the company (in billions of dollars): 273.2

Profit of the company (in millions of dollars): 11,267

Total is a French petroleum giant, and is involved in the entire oil and gas chain, from oil and gas exploration to generating power, transport, marketing and trading. It has pledged to reach 0% emissions by 2050, though there are some doubts regarding the achievability of this pledge.


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4. PetroChina (NYSE:PTR)

Market cap of the company (in billions of dollars): 148.1

Revenue of the company (in billions of dollars): 364.1

Assets of the company (in billions of dollars): 392.3

Profit of the company (in millions of dollars): 6,600

PetroChina is the biggest Chinese energy company, and is one of the more recent companies in our list, having only been founded 21 years ago.

PetroChina Company Limited (ADR) (NYSE:PTR)

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3. Exxon Mobil

Market cap of the company (in billions of dollars): 298.5

Revenue of the company (in billions of dollars): 264.9

Assets of the company (in billions of dollars): 362.6

Profit of the company (in millions of dollars): 20,060

We talked about Exxon Mobil having the biggest merger in the history of the energy industry, and is one of the many oil and gas companies widely criticized for their poor environmental records, even though it has the second highest profits in the entire industry.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM

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2. Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS)

Market cap of the company (in billions of dollars): 237.1

Revenue of the company (in billions of dollars): 344.9

Assets of the company (in billions of dollars): 404.3

Profit of the company (in millions of dollars): 16,400

Shell has the highest revenues of any company in Europe, regardless of the industry, and has over $400 billion in assets, and is also one of the companies in our list to be included in every area of the oil and gas chain, though it has also branched out into the renewable energy industry.

Royal Dutch Shell plc (ADR) (NYSE:RDS-A)

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