5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth

If you’ve ever wondered about life on other planets, take a look at our list of 5 indisputable proofs of aliens visiting Earth. Since the discovery of other planets and solar systems, humans have become obsessed with finding out what other life forms may exist outside of our limited sphere of knowledge.

NASA has tried its best to address these perpetual questions with scientific knowledge. So far, we have been presented with evidence of planets with an abundance of life-sustaining oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, that are similar size and distance to their suns as Earth. This means that these planets may have the potential to sustain life.

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth

Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock.com

With the development of new technologies, it has become much easier to document UFO sightings. For more information on some of these, you can also check our list of 10 most credible UFO sightings in the world. If you ask me, aliens are very real. The wealth of proof compiled over centuries of human history– not to mention the scientific probabilities outlined by today’s brightest scientific minds– point toward the very real presence of non-humanoid life forms outside of Earth.

Continue reading to learn more about our 5 indisputable proofs of aliens visiting Earth.


5. 300 million year old screw

In the 1990’s, a Russian research team found a peculiar object in the Kaluga region after an asteroid strike. The object appears to be a 300-million-year-old screw fixed in a rock. Most people agree that this is evidence of either aliens or a highly advanced human civilization. The object was collected by a UFO and paranormal research team, who found a second screw in the same rock after the x-ray examination. No further details have been published.

Some scientists, however, believe that the object is actually a fossilized sea creature called a crinoid. Nowadays there are only 600 species of crinoid, but they were widespread million years ago. There is one problem with this explanation though: crinoid was a lot smaller and had a bit different markings.

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth



4. Baltic-Sea Anomaly

Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg, along with Ocean X Team of marine explorers, ran into a strange object at the bottom of the sea in 2012. They encountered a large trail leading to a circle, and then a 20-25 meters tall object with the canyon in the middle. It is proven to be 140,000 years old, and made out of angular metal. And now, let’s see the top three entries in our list of indisputable proofs of aliens visiting Earth.

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth


3. UFO wreckage

In the 1970’s, a fragment of metal was found in Romania, 33 feet under the ground between two human bones. The analysis showed the object to be a piece of aluminum, estimated to be 250,000 years old. This wouldn’t be so shocking if not for the fact that mankind did not discover and start using aluminum just 200 years ago! Furthermore, its substances can’t be combined with the technology on Earth, which is why is assumed that this is work of the aliens.

The bones are aged between 10,000 and 80,000 years old, and historian Mihai Wittenberger says that this metal was part of a World War II German aircraft. But this still does not explain its age.

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth

2. Filmed UFO

A 2016 YouTube video was released showing lightning dots flying over the sky in notable formations, only to vanish in a second. This made many believe that they had stumbled upon real evidence of UFOs visiting Earth; but there are some skeptics who say that it could be anything, even parachutes. Is this an indisputable proof of aliens visiting Earth?

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth


1. Ancient Long Skull

The skeleton of a woman at least 2,000-years-old was found in Russia, and created quite a stir for both skeptics and alien fanatics. The female skeleton had an extraordinarily alien-like, long skull. Next to the skeleton, there were an iron knife, ceramic whorls, small beads and fragments of a small jug. Scientists quickly made their own theory about a tribal tradition of tying children’s head with a rope, which was used to explain away the abnormal skull shape.

5 Indisputable Proofs of Aliens Visiting Earth


Thank you for reading our list of 5 indisputable proofs of aliens visiting Earth. Do you believe in life on other planets?