1. Snake/Serpent
Probably the first thought that comes into people’s minds when they think of a snake as a symbol of something are temptation or sin. Because we are all familiar with that Biblical story of Adam and Eve and the snake that tempted them to commit a sin and be expelled out of the Garden of Eden. While this is the Christian symbolism for a snake, there are many other associations, because snake is one of the oldest mythological symbols in the world. In some traditions, it represents fertility and rebirth, transformation and immortality. In others, it can symbolize guardianship, poison, medicine, vengefulness and many other things. What is interesting the most is that in the Christian Mythology it can also represent something completely different then temptation and sin, it can represent salvation (according to the Gospel of John). So, it is quite clear that the snake is the only symbol on this list that has so many completely different meanings.
The question poses itself – when it comes to the Illuminati, what does the snake stand for? Some say it represents forbidden knowledge and sin, just like in the Garden of Eden. But, with so many different meanings, no one truly knows what symbolizes in the Illuminati circles. This knowledge we do not have.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article on often-talked-about and surrounded-by-the-veil-of-secrets Illuminati symbols and their origins. Please tell us, have we succeeded in lifting a part of the veil by revealing some of these origins?