2. The Owl
We are all familiar with the basic symbolism of the owl, we all know that the owl represent wisdom. But, are you familiar with the origin of this symbolism? Well, there is a connection with both Greek and Roman mythology. In Greek Mythology, there was a goddess of wisdom and knowledge named Athena, of whom you have all heard often. She was often represented in a company of an owl. In Roman Mythology, we have the similar image of the goddess of wisdom and reason, named Minerva, that was also accompanied by an owl. You can hear that the owl is also called “the owl of Minerva” or “the owl of Athena” and it has ever since been used as a symbol of great wisdom and knowledge.
But not only Romans and Greeks had respect for the symbol of the owl; in many other parts of the world there was a similar association. Native Americans also thought of an owl as a sacred knowledge keeper, and they deeply respected the owl’s ability to see at night. In other cultures, there can also be found traces of respecting the owl as a symbol of greater and mythical knowledge.
Why do the Illuminati use this symbol? Well, they think of themselves as a group of very wise people, and they are the ones who possess the secret knowledge.