3. All-Seeing-Eye at the top of the Pyramid
We all want to know how did the Egyptians build the pyramids, but none of us have the answer. Maybe they were also Illuminati and demons helped them? Enough kidding around, let start with the origin of the pyramids. You all probably believe that the Egyptians were the first to form the shape of a pyramid, but you are wrong. According to research, the first time this shape was used was in ancient Mesopotamia, in their structures called Ziggurats. These structures made from mud and bricks were a base for their temples. They wanted to lift the temple higher so it can be closer to heaven. So even in the old times the shape of the pyramid had some “higher purpose” – connecting heaven and earth. And Egypt wasn’t far from this; for the Egyptians, the pyramids were tombs for pharaohs, and they believed that the spirit can travel from the tip of the pyramid to the afterlife, and what is more interesting – the tip will serve as guide if the soul ever wants to return back to earth.
In today’s world, the pyramid is often associated with harmony and human development. We have a “diet pyramid”, “exercising pyramid”, “business pyramid”… It is a great symbol because it represents something that stands on firm ground and that it can only be reached by exact order, and with patience. The higher goal is at the top, and it takes time to achieve it.
So, what does the pyramid stand for in Illuminati circles?

At the top of the unfinished pyramid, which is known as the “main” symbol of Illuminati, is an eye called the All-Seeing-Eye. This symbol represents their power over the entire earth as the few of them (at the top) are watching (all-seeing-eye) us (bottom of the pyramid) and controlling us. This symbol is the most famous, and you all have seen it. Yes, you have, just look at your one-dollar bill and you’ll find it. That’s why people speculate that the Freemasons and Illuminati are secretly ruling the world – their symbols can be found almost everywhere.
The origin of the All-Seeing-Eye? Well, it used to represent greater spiritual power, and even God itself. It can be found in different religions, but it is most commonly associated with the ancient Egyptian symbol called “The Eye of Horus”, which symbolizes protection and good health.