5. 666
Let’s start with the symbol most often seen, used in all kinds of movies and stories, and for which everyone knows the basic symbolism – the number of the Beast, or simply – the devil’s number. When we want to analyze the symbolism of the number 666, we have to consider the Book of Revelation, where it is said that 666 is the name of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. According to some interpretations, the 7 heads are actually 7 hills or 7 mountains, which is symbolic of Rome. So, it’s all connected to the Roman Empire. What is even more interesting is that Nero was the first emperor who truly persecuted Christianity, and in both Hebrew and Greek alphabet for each letter there is a numeric value, and for Nero is 666. So, in a way he was an Antichrist. This is only one of many interpretations of the origin of the symbol 666. Whichever story of the origin is true, the main symbolic states the same – evil, the devil, the number of the Beast, Antichrist, Satan.

If it’s true that Illuminati worship Satan, then it is obvious why they use this symbol so much.