No one argues that between wealth and happiness you can put an equality sign. Wealth in itself does not bring happiness, but it does not deter it either. With money, we feel safer, more confident, and, more importantly, the money gives the freedom to do what we want, and we can make all of our dreams come true.
However, some obstacles seem to program a man to the perpetual poverty. What are these habits and how to get rid of them?
A compulsive saving
If whenever you come to the store, you initially hurry to sale and discounted products aisle, you refuse to have children (because there is no money), if your head is full of intrusive thoughts about the increased colleagues salary, if you do not leave a tip in a cafe or, worse, don’t even go to such places – congratulations, all of these are poverty habits. Getting rid of them will not be so easy, but it is surely worth it.
The desire to save all the time is not a sign of intelligence, but an indication that there is no balance between your income and expenditure, especially if you are cutting off the most needed food products or getting out. There is no need to be living like an ascetic, especially then you can always find some ways how to decrease price tags even on the most luxurious items. These Bloomingdale’s coupons are the excellent prove that you don’t have to spend tons of money on beautiful things, and actually, pamper yourself without sacrificing content of your wallet.
Thorough evaluation of cash
The poor man will always believe that only big money can bring joy. To enjoy life and be happy and be with more modest incomes is possible, and you need to realize it. Try to answer the question: What do I need to have to be happy? According to psychologists, it is the poor people who first begin to name material goods. Wealthy people find happiness in love and friendships, and they do not consider their bank accounts, as a source of joy. Therefore, enjoy your life and rethink your attitude – not everything is money, and not everything needs money to be good.

Enrique Ramos/
The panic then where is no money in a wallet
People, who are afraid of losing their jobs or are constantly panicking that very soon all of their money will end, are programmed to poverty. A man, who believes in himself, knows that he will always find a job after all. He just needs to make an effort to show perseverance during an interview, not to be afraid to take any work and show the employer class. Wealthy people know that if there is no money today, then tomorrow there will be. All what a person needs to do is to use more effort than yesterday or the day before yesterday.

Disliked work
Those who work unsatisfying job will never become wealthy. This is not a precondition – that’s a fact. According to psychologists, failure and poverty are accompanied by the people who work the job they hate. Those who engage in their favorite work can grow as individuals and can help their income to rise as well.

You spend more than you earn
Many modern people right now are spending way more than they can, just because of easy to get credit cards banks love giving. People work at several jobs, but continuously buy everything with credit, and therefore slowly pushing themselves into a debt trap from which escape will not be easy.
If you take an ordinary credit in order to buy a luxury car or a chinchilla fur, sooner or later you will find yourself in a financial pit. You have to think how to make money, rather than how to take a loan and live with luxurious pink glasses.
