5 Forms of Proof that there is No God

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1. God is Not Good

If there was truly a loving God watching over us, then we would not be subject to the suffering and calamities that strike us at every turn. Either there is no God, or God is not benevolent to turn his back on humanity under the guise of allowing us free will over our lives (though He had no problem interfering in our affairs just a couple thousand years ago).

A benevolent God would not allow us free will, because clearly we are unfit to wield it. In fact, a benevolent God never would have created such a violent, depraved, egoic race of abominations as humans in the first place, and forced us to scratch and claw our way through our pain and suffering-filled existences, to reach an exalted higher plane of plenty; He would’ve created a paradise for all of us from the start, without want or need, strife or malice.

It is unconscionable to think such a place actually exists, and yet we are forced to “earn” our way into it by a loving God, and if we fail to do so, are flung into a demon-filled pit for eternity. It is absurd and ludicrous. No benevolent God exists when this is the form it takes, and therefore no God exists.

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