2. Homemade Raspberry Liquor
Ingredients: 5 pounds of raspberries, 6 pounds sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, water
This is one of the easiest recipes for homemade alcohol you can possibly find on the Internet and therefore, it’s ranked second on our list of easiest liquors to make at home with fruit, yeast, and sugar. To make this delightful raspberry moonshine drink you should first prepare the raspberries by washing them an removing the stems. When you’ve done that, you should boil the raspberries with about 1.5 gallons of water. Mash them up and then add the sugar. Let the raspberries simmer for about 20 minutes and then pour them into a fermenting bucket, add more water add the yeast once the temperature drops. The mixture should ferment for about one or two weeks. When the process is complete, strain out solids and then distill the drink using a pot still.