3. Homemade Rum
Ingredients: 2.5kg brown sugar, 3 liters of molasses, 1 tablespoon of Diammonium Phosphate, 1 tablespoon of citric acid, 1 pack of baker’s yeast, water
Take a large pot and add brown sugar, molasses, citric acid, and Diammonium Phosphate into it. Heat wash the mixture on the stove until it boils, then take it off the stove and let it cool a bit. This will allow the yeast to convert into alcohol more easily. Pour the mixture into a fermenter and top it off with water (about 25-30 C). The next step in making the liquor number three on our list of easiest liquors to make at home with fruit, yeast, and sugar, is to add the packet of yeast. Make sure water is no hotter than 30 C as this will kill the yeast. Leave the mixture set for an hour and then stir in the yeast. Leave it for about 24 hours and then stir again. Make sure the temperature of the sugar wash is about 20-25 C during the fermentation process. When bubbles stop passing through the airlock, the fermentation process is over and now you can transfer the mixture into another container after a day or two. Again, wait for about 2 days and then transfer the mixture to a fermenter. You can add a bit of flavor to your rum like cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla if you want. With a simple recipe like this, you can make a delicious homemade rum in no time.