The list of the five easiest free chatbot creation sites will help you to navigate through the incredible world of artificial intelligence and use the benefits of this tech concept for improving your business. Yes, robots will rule the world. They have already taken over the two most important business fields, sales and customer service.
If you are a big fan of Terminator 2: Judgment Day like me, you probably knew that at some point we would be able to have intelligent conversations with machines. Still, even the craziest SF fans and computer buffs haven’t predicted such a fast development of artificial intelligence and its widespread implementation in different industries.

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Chatbots are a very important part of the ‘weak AI.’ They are one of the most popular products that have come out of the AI concept. We meet (and communicate with) chatbots every day on popular messenger apps. Of course, the chatbots we can find on Facebook Messenger, Kik and WeChat, sound more pleasant than the Terminator Model 101. Instead of saying ‘Affirmative’ and ‘Hasta la vista, baby’ they greet us with ‘How can I help you?’ and ‘Enjoy your browsing.’
If you are interested in the development of artificial intelligence, robotic and other similar tech niches, check out the Insider Monkey’s new list of the Most Advanced Countries in Robotics.
Today, many companies use chatbots for improving customer experience and boosting their sales. Who would have thought that programs that were bombarding Yahoo and AOL chat rooms with spam will be so useful to companies like Domino’s, Disney, Whole Foods, and the Royal Bank of Scotland?
The artificial intelligence is not only used by the big corporate entities. Fast tech advance and early adopters have turned chatbots into a highly popular customer service software. Today, anybody can create a chatbot, and bring their customer experience to a whole new level.
You can do this, even if you don’t know how to code. There are many platforms where you can create chatbots by simply inserting dialogues and AI rules. The number of platforms for chatbot generation has grown fast in the last couple of years, and free access for individual users and small business entrepreneurs has become an industry standard. Each website has its unique characteristics, which is why I decided to single out the five most prominent platforms and compare their features.
Since chatbot generation is a very popular topic, I easily found sources for this comparison. I have started my search on Medium and ended up on the Chatbots Magazine, which is the most popular chatbot blog at the moment. Apart from their lists, I also visited websites and review pages of every platform I have mentioned in the article. Sometimes I have also needed to register and try their features by myself
The list of the easiest free chatbot creation sites will help you to improve your customer experience and loyalty. Since most platforms come with an easily understandable user interface, you won’t need to outsource this project to professional developers. Everything you need for building a chatbot is time and chatbot copywriting skills.