5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners

Which are the easiest coding languages to learn for the first-time learners? 

Even the birds up on the trees know by now how almost any kind of computer knowledge can be very profitable. What is best of all, no one can even imagine an era in which computers and similar technologies won’t be needed anymore. Maybe if the end of the world comes.

Since it would be inappropriate to discuss the possibilities of the end of the world happening, let us focus on the main idea behind the creation of this article. Helping people choose the best programming languages for absolute beginners.

5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners


In order to create this list of the easiest coding language to learn for the first-time learners, we counted down suggestions coming from various sources like Life HackerOpen Source, and Business Insider to name a few. The best thing about these easiest programming languages is that they are also counted as the most profitable programming languages to learn in 2016. Hence, if you’re thinking of changing your career, or have a lot of free time that you want to make useful, you can start with learning one of these coding languages below. Pretty soon this may help you start earning big bucks.

While I was researching for this topic, I talked to some programmers who disagreed with the list I come up. Although for our first choice on this list there is no question about it being the easiest one,  for the coding language that is in the fifth place there was a debate. As a person who only had a brief experience with Pascal, I decided to listen carefully what people who are truly experienced have to say about these coding languages. And, in the end, I decided to leave the list as is, because as it was explained to me – disputed coding language gives the important and useful basics for almost all the others. Hence, even though it is far from being the easiest it is a good choice for the first-time learners, because it would give them the strongest foundation, and make them learning any other programming language much easier and faster. The purpose of this article is not only to present you with the easiest programming languages to learn for the first time learners but also the best.

And if you are worried about learning a programming language and not having a degree to confirm it, stop thinking about. Being a programmer is really a special occupation, and to find work you only need your knowledge, your skills. Either you can develop a needed program or you can’t. No piece of paper that shows your Bachelor or Masters degree would serve anything if you don’t know how to code something. Also, many programmers end up developing best paying freelance careers. Why? Because when you work as a freelancer, you have your freedom. You can arrange your own time, apply only to the projects you like, work anywhere you are as long as you have your laptop and Internet, and earn some pretty amazing sums of money. If you are good, of course.

OK, so are you hooked? Do you want to learn a coding language and start living your life as you’ve always dreamed? Good. Just… don’t quit your job right away, try to learn one coding language first. Keep in mind that not everyone has a talent for coding, or the logic needed to understand the idea of it.

For those who are willing to try, and are eager to learn something new, these are the best, and the easiest coding languages to learn for the first-time learns we’ve found!


5. C/C++

We start our list with a discussed programming language in the intro part. If you are a little bit familiar with programming languages, then you may, as well, think that C and C++ have nothing to do on this list of the easiest coding languages to learn for the first-time learners. While this may be true, keep in mind what we said in the intro part – we don’t want to present you only with the easiest, but also with the best choices for the beginners. And the main reason we’ve decided to keep C and C++, and some others coding languages on this list, is because they are widely recommended by programmers on various sources. And the recommendation comes from the fact that – once you learn C, you can easily learn almost any other programming language. Why is this important? Well, if you truly want to become a programmer, you have to understand the nature of programming. If you are only interested in creating a simple website/blog for example, then you don’t have to learn any programming language, you can just use available platforms like WordpPress. A good programmer must know at least a few in-demand programming languages.

If you like a huge challenge that will also bring a huge benefit later on, then go to Learn C. After you master it, there will be no limits, and almost all the other programming languages will be as easy to learn as learning a children’s game.

If you are not up to challenge, scroll down to the 2nd or the 1st place on this list, or keep on with the reading regularly to learn more info on the other languages.

5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners

 4. Java

In the 4th spot, we have coding language that everyone has heard of, Java. Named after the famous coffee from the Indonesian Island of Java, this is not the simplest coding language for the first-time learners, but yet is here on this list. Why? Well, as one of the voters in the Life Hacker’s poll explained: “The most important thing for budding programmers is not so much learning a language as learning to think like a programmer. Java provides a good platform for learning these things, as it strikes a compromise between the memory-managing and general micro-management of C, and the looser abstractions of Python.” So, even though this is a slightly complex programming language for the beginners, programmers agree that it can be a very beneficial first programming language to learn. If you like a good challenge that will soon become worth all the efforts, then maybe this cool named programming language is the best choice for you.

If you want to give it a try, go to Learn Java Online and start with the lessons today.

In case you were wondering in which programming language are Android apps written, now you have your answer. This is only one of the reasons Java is so popular and liked among the programmers.

If you think this may be too much for you, continue reading our list, as there are easiest coding languages yet to come.

5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners


3. JavaScript

JavaScript or the programming language of the web is commonly used for creating cool websites. Don’t let the names fool you, Java and JavaScript are far from being the same programming language. They actually have very different semantics, and the syntax of JavaScript is borrowed from C. What is the most exciting thing, when learning JavaScript, is that you can get visual results as your “feedback” in no time. JavaScript is available in your browser, and it runs on almost every platform that exists – on Windows, Mac, and on the modern ones too, like Android and iOS.

If learning JavaScript sounds fun to you, and you don’t like when things are too hard or too easy, then check this JavaScript tutorial.


5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners


2. Ruby

The 2nd spot on this list of the easiest coding languages to learn for the first time learners belongs to Ruby. This is the language that is much easier to learn than the previous one, because it was developed to have a syntax that is fairly simple, easy to understand for “normal people”, people who don’t have any kind of programming experience. When learning Ruby, you don’t have to learn a billion new commands, like in some other coding languages. Its developer, Yukihiro Matsumoto, designed it to be easy and practical, and he was inspired by Smalltalk, Perl and some other existing languages.

Don’t confuse Ruby on Rails with Ruby. While Ruby is a programming language, Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. In simple words – Ruby on Rails is a framework that makes it even easier to create websites while coding in the Ruby language.

If you like, what you have read so far about the Ruby, and you want to start with learning, check out its basics, you’ll only need 20 minutes.

5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners

1. Python

Definitely, the easiest coding language to learn for the first time learners is Python. If you search a little bit, you will also see that Python is being widely recommended for the first time learners, with a plethora of reasons explaining why. What you won’t find everywhere is the problem some programmers, who have learned the Python first, had to deal with later on. What I am trying to say is that it can be quite complicated for Python programmers to learn C, while the other way around can’t. What makes Python easy to learn is its fairly small emphasis on syntax, but if your plan is to become some mean programmer one day, maybe it is a better option for you to start with learning the root of the “problem” called – professional programming, or, in other words, start learning C, or C++. If you just want to learn at least one programming language that can help you earn money fast, then try learning Python.

It all comes down to subjectivity, and deciding upon which is the easiest and the best coding languages for beginners can never be ultimate. Feel free to share with us your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

5 Easiest Coding Languages To Learn For First-Time Learners