5 Easiest Air Force Ribbons to Get


3. Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon

In 1962 the Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon was authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force. In order to receive this ribbon among the other easiest Air Force ribbons to get, all you have to do is qualify as an expert in small-arms marksmanship either with your issued rifle (the M-16) or handgun. I get that you may not be an awesome shot at the moment, but dammit even earning the easiest Air Force ribbons takes some effort! If I could consistently hit a small target with a rifle from over 50 yards away as a 9-year-old girl (and show-up most all of my boyfriends growing up… toot, toot!), you can practice until you’re confident with your shooting skills!

5 Easiest Air Force Ribbons to Get

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