5 Countries with the Highest Resource Consumption in the World

2. India

Oil Consumption of barrels per day in 2023 (in thousands): 5,446               

Electricity Consumption (billion kWh): 1,463        

Coal Consumption (short tons in thousands): 1,273,287  

Natural Gas Consumption (billion cubic feet): 2,079          

Biofuel Consumption of barrels per day (in thousands): 92            

Annual Water Consumption (billion-meter cube): 761      

Aggregate Resource Consumption: 1,282,731

India, which is home to roughly 1.45 billion people, is expected to be home to 1.5 billion by 2030, and with limited resources in the country, serious resource scarcity is expected to hit the country. While the country’s population makes up 18% of the global population, its land, forest, and clean water only make up 2.4%, 2%, and 4% of the global totals of the respective resources, according to Eco-Business.