5 Countries with the Highest Resource Consumption in the World

3. United States       

Oil Consumption of barrels per day in 2023 (in thousands): 18,984          

Electricity Consumption (billion kWh): 4,128        

Coal Consumption (short tons in thousands): 515,555      

Natural Gas Consumption (billion cubic feet): 32,288       

Biofuel Consumption of barrels per day (in thousands): 1,132      

Annual Water Consumption (billion-meter cube): 5           

Aggregate Resource Consumption: 573,118

Next, we have the U.S. Being one of the most populated countries in the world, and being a high-income country, it’s obvious that the country is amongst the top countries that consume the most resources in the world. Specifically, the U.S. and the EU together are responsible for 74% of the global resource consumption, with the U.S. being responsible for 27% of the extraction.