5 Countries With Highest Rates of Obesity

In this piece, we will take a look at five countries with the highest rates of obesity. If you want to find out more details about obesity, how it affects people, the diseases it might lead to, and how global obesity trends are shaping up, then take a look at 25 Countries With Highest Rates of Obesity.

5. Tuvalu

Obese People Per 100,000: 51,600

Tuvalu is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. High food imports from developing countries contribute significantly to obesity in Tuvalu. There are roughly 12,000 people living in Tuvalu, so like Niue, more than half the people living in it have a body mass index higher than 30. More Tuvalu women are obese than men, with obesity percentages sitting at 71% and 65% for the genders, respectively. Tuvalu has a small $45 million economy and a GDP per capita of $2,970.

4. Republic of the Marshall Islands

Obese People Per 100,000: 52,900

Marshall Islands is another Pacific island nation, with a population a little higher than sixty thousand. Covering just 181 square kilometers in area, it is also one of the smallest countries in the world. Obesity rates in the Marshall Islands are quite higher when compared to the regional average of 31.7%. It plays a crucial role in the global shipping industry, which makes it a large oil importer since ships generally dock in the Marshall Islands before transferring their products to other ships.

3. Republic of Palau

Obese People Per 100,000: 55,300

Palau is an Oceanic island nation made of more than three hundred islands. It has a sizeable GDP per capita of $17,436 and a small population of roughly eighteen thousand. A key factor of obesity in Palau, in women, is related to preterm births – a factor that is prevalent in countries with poor healthcare systems. More Palau women are obese than men, with data showing that 62.1% of women and 55.8% of women have a body mass index greater than 30.

2. Cook Islands

Obese People Per 100,000: 55,900

Like other Pacific nations, the Cook Islands also suffers from obesity. The prevalence of obesity is thought to be due to inhabitants consuming high amounts of imported Western food and having access to limited healthcare systems. Cook Islands has a relatively high GDP per capita of roughly $22,000, and high obesity levels have also contributed to related diseases such as heart problems and diabetes. Obesity in the region is also thought to be genetics, as inhabitants that moved to countries such Cook Islands required bigger builds and high fat storage capabilities to endure long and arduous sea journeys.

1. Republic of Nauru

Obese People Per 100,000: 61,000

Nauru has a population of roughly 11,000 and has seen obesity rates rise as its mining fortunes allowed it the ability to import Western food and stop traditional agricultural and fishing activities. However, being fat is a status symbol in the country, as initially only well off chieftains would have enough food to eat to gain and put on weight.

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