5 Countries that Export the Most Tea in the World

3. Republic of Kenya

Tea Exports in 2021: $1.1 billion

The Republic of Kenya is an African country with a GDP per capita of $6,122. Tea is one of the most important sources of foreign exchange for the country, as it often accounts for up to one fifth of Kenyan exports. By the end of 2021, Kenya had exported $1.1 billion of tea, which corresponded to 556,552 tons. The most widely produced Kenyan tea is the Pekoe Fanning 1, and other variants are Broken Pekoe 1 and Pekoe Dust. Kenya’s biggest tea companies are Kenya Tea Development Agency Holdings (KTDA), Global Tea & Commodities (K) Ltd, and Kenya Tea Packers Limited – a KTDA subsidiary. The industry is also made of several small farmers in addition to the large players.