5 Companies That Will Benefit From Global Warming

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1. NextEra Energy Inc (NYSE: NEE)

Florida-based NextEra NextEra Energy, Inc is one of the largest green energy companies in the world. The company has tripled its wind energy capacity over the last 10 years. It operates over 14,100 MW of emissions-free wind energy, along with several solar and nuclear energy projects. The company is behind Florida Power & Light, which is the biggest producer of solar energy in Florida with 28 major solar power plants, having a capacity of about 2,000 megawatts of solar generation.

A total of 63 hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey held long positions in NextEra Energy as of the end of the third quarter.

Please also see 10 Largest Wind Energy Companies and 5 Best Mid-Cap Stocks Billionaire Brian Higgins’ King Street Loves the Most.

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