5 Companies That Benefited The Most From The Pandemic

4. Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOGL)

Market cap on Dec 31, 2019: $920.32 billion

Market cap on Dec 31, 2020: $1.183 trillion

Market cap added: $262 billion

California-based tech giant Alphabet ranks 4th on our list of the 15 companies that benefited the most during the pandemic. By December 31, 2020, Alphabet read the trillion mark for the market cap with $1.183 trillion, a 28.54% increase from the previous year. Alphabet Inc bagged total revenue of $182.5 billion by the end of the fiscal year 2020. 

Alphabet played a significant role in connecting people and increasing their productivity during the crisis. From developing a contact tracing app to battling fake news spread on search and YouTube, the company’s tools and online services have never been more helpful. Google benefited from the pandemic through its Google Services ($52 billion) and Google Cloud ($3 billion) sales which increased 23% and 46% compared to the previous year as reported in the fourth quarter of 2020 respectively. 


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