5 Boot Camps for Troubled Youth Near NYC

You can save a troubled youth when you know the action that needs to be taken and if you are in The Big Apple, you can send them to one of these 5 boot camps for troubled youth near NYC.

Going through the teenage years can be fun but there are some struggles that are hard to deal with. This can include topics that teens fear to discuss with their parents, so they instead may turn to friends. While this is a normal part of growing up and especially those awkward teen years, some teenagers have a tougher time adjusting than others. There can be a range of reasons as to why some teens have more troubles than others, but put simply, teens need understanding and guidance from adults. As much as teens want to be independent, parents shouldn’t neglect how their teens feel. They are still discovering who they are and in discovering the influences they will let in their life whether it is good or bad.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC

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There are signs that parents need to watch out for to know if their child is going through a tough time. The most noticeable one is their temper. If they get easily angered and quite sensitive for a seemingly small reason, when they are usually pretty happy, you will know. Parents should also monitor their performance as a student especially if they are failing but they used to do great in class. From fights at school, to a number of other serious problems, it’s not something you want to notice when it’s too late. However, if you feel your teen needs a major behavioral fix and don’t know where else to turn, boot camps can be helpful.

Boot camps for troubled teens are one way to help them bounce to the better version of themselves. What is a boot camp? It is an institution that practices a military style of living. Here, they will live under strict rules and discipline like they do in actual military training and boot camps.

However, if you are an adult and you find yourself struggling with weight loss, you can enroll yourself to one of the 10 weight loss boot camps for adults in NYC.

Is there a chance that a troubled youth will get reformed in the confines of a boot camp? Possibly, yes. But not all agree to send their kids to boot camps as there are disadvantages that they see. Boot camps have intense discipline and everyone has to commend to the authority in charge as well as practice responsibility. These types of training may be good for troubled teens who have tried to commit a crime like stealing or resorting to drug abuse, but each individual has their own battles and boot camps cannot resolve all aspects of a troubled youth. Therapeutic programs (to treat something like depression) are not included in boot camps for troubled youth, so it would be a waste of time and money if your child would not benefit from it.

To create our list of boot camps for troubled youth near NYC, we relied on the database at Class Curious as well as a Google search to find different boot camps near New York City. We have also included institutions with therapeutic programs on our list. All of these programs specialize in activities for troubled youth in New York. As each teen is different and different programs work for different personalities, we have not ranked the list in any particular way.

Take a look at our list of boot camps for troubled youth near NYC.

5. The Bowery Mission

The Bowery Mission started out with preaching the good news and later on expanded to giving meals to the needy. They used the money left from their food drive to organize a summer outing not only for the children but for the families they were able to help with the food drive. This institution has a lot of programs to offer for different age ranges. The Bowery Mission instills values where discipline and responsibility come along with it. They have a week or two long programs held at the Mont Lawn Camp in Pennsylvania for at- risk youth and their itineraries are more of an adventure where the youth would get along with each other as well as counseling and mentoring.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC

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4. Metro World Child

Another faith-based institution that helps troubled youth is Metro World Child. Their aim is to keep the youth away from gangs and other criminal activities they could possibly get involved with. Pastor Bill Wilson was the founder of Metro World Child and it was established in 1980. They encourage youth to grow with God and they have programs focusing one-on-one interaction with the child, which is part of their mentoring and personal growth. They also participate in humanitarian activities like organizing a food drive and other basic need donations.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC


3. La Salle Institute

Halfway through our list of boot camps for troubled youth near NYC is La Salle Institute. The Brothers of the Christian Schools founded La Salle Institute in 1850. The U.S. Department of Education selected this institution as a National School of Excellence twice. La Salle Institute wants to instill values, discipline, and principle to create effective leaders. This is exclusive for boys though. They ensure that their students are well rounded with academics and extracurricular activities especially sports.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC

Volt Collection/Shutterstock.com

2. Hawk Circle

The second place on our list of boot camps for troubled youth near NYC goes to the Hawk Circle that is a wilderness camp founded by Ricardo Sierra in 1989. Nature is their way to interact with youth as their programs are summer camps where socialization towards co-campers and connection with nature are the main focus. The mentors are trained to be positive and to organize games, crafts, and a whole lot of adventures. One unique program is a forest family retreat and classes which are a way for parents or elders to connect with their young ones.  This way, they will be able to discover more about their children, converse with them and at the same time connect with nature.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC

Hurst Photo/Shutterstock.com

1. New York Military Academy

Open for all genders is New York Military Academy. Charles Jefferson Wright is a Civil War Veteran who founded New York Military Academy and believes that a military format education is the best way to mold youth academic-wise. They also promote athletics and community service, while leadership programs are also available in summer. Here youth will surely be disciplined and practice camaraderie.

5 Boot Camps For Troubled Youth Near NYC

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That’s a wrap for our boot camps for troubled youth near NYC, if you have a troubled teen, you would probably both benefit from looking into one of these programs.