5 Billionaires Who Came From Nothing

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1. Larry Ellison

Current net worth according to Forbes (in billions of dollars): 88.4

Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), easily tops the list of the 5 billionaires who came from nothing. Ellison had a really tough childhood, starting from being born to an unwed woman, who gave him up for adoption when he contracted pneumonia at the age of 9 months. His adoptive father had lost a fortune in the Great Depression, and even had to drop out from college as his adoptive mother passed away. He then worked multiple odd jobs, before finally creating Oracle, and is now easily among the richest people in the entire world.

See also: 25 Highest Earning Billionaires in 2020 and 25 richest cities in the world with most billionaires per capita

Oracle ORCL

Ken Wolter/shutterstock.com

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