5 Biggest Leasing Companies in the World

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1. Ashtead Group plc (OTCMKTS:ASHTY)

 Market Capitalization as of November 13, 2022: $26.14 billion

Ashtead Group plc (OTCMKTS:ASHTY) is an American industrial and general equipment renting company that operates in the U.K., its home country, and Canada. The firm is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.

Ashtead Group plc (OTCMKTS:ASHTY) has outperformed technology giants Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others when it comes to net profit margin and revenue growth since 2010, as its net profit margin is 17.5% and revenue growth is 22%. If this weren’t enough, the firm’s receivable turnover rate, which measures the time that it takes for it to get paid for its services, is one tenth of the industry average of 57.7 and sits at 5.7.

Ashtead Group plc (OTCMKTS:ASHTY)’s market capitalization is $26.14 billion.

Disclosure: None. You can also take a look at 15 Biggest Insurance Companies in the World and 10 Best Safe Dividend Stocks for Retirement Portfolios.

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