5 Biggest Food Exporters in Europe

This article presents an overview of the 5 biggest food exporters in Europe. For a detailed overview of the biggest food exporters in Europe with insights into factors like the value of food exports and the growth rate, read our article 16 biggest food exporters in Europe.

  1. Belgium

Food Export Value of 2021 (USD Billion): 23.9

Belgium’s primary export products include potatoes, beer, chocolate, and pastries. The top five export destinations for Belgian food products in 2021 were the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg.

  1. Italy

Food Export Value of 2021 (USD Billion): 37

Italy, a leading agricultural and food processing player in the EU, contributes approximately 2% to its GDP through the agricultural sector. 2021, Italy’s retail food sales surged to $167.8 billion, marking a 2.9% growth from 2020, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Noteworthy sales upticks occurred at discount stores (6.0%), hypermarkets (3.4%), supermarkets (3.3%), grocery retailers (1.2%), and convenience stores (1.2%).

  1. Netherlands

Food Export Value of 2021 (USD Billion): 42.5

The Netherlands’ agricultural exports increased by 4.6% to $101 billion in 2019, driven by higher export prices and increased export volume. The Dutch food processing industry generated net sales of $88 billion in 2021, with over 7,340 companies contributing. Dairy and eggs are the most exported food items of the Netherlands.

  1. France

Food Export Value of 2021 (USD Billion): 43.6

France’s food processing industry comprises approximately 15,500 firms, with a collective annual revenue surpassing $215 billion. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent nearly 98% of the sector. In 2020, the aggregate value of French exports in the processed foods sector reached $53 billion, marking a 2.5% decline compared to 2019.

  1. Germany

Food Export Value of 2021 (USD Billion): 49.2

Germany registered a trade deficit of $23.08 billion in agri-food and seafood products in 2020. Exports were valued at $85.57 billion, and imports at $108.65 billion. In 2020, Germany’s leading export product category was items derived from pigs, amounting to $6.36 billion.

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