5 Biggest Coal Plants in the US

4. Gibson Generating Station, Owned by Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE: DUK)

The Gibson Generating Station is a power plant located at the northernmost end of Gibson County, Indiana. Between its 5 units it has a total capacity of 3,345 megawatts. It is the the tenth-largest electrical plant in the US and the fourth largest coal-powered plant. There is a 3,000-acre large man-made lake called Gibson Lake on the grounds of the facility which is used as a cooling pond for the plant. The plant is connected to the power grid with 345 kV and 138 kV transmission lines to 79 Indiana counties. To reduce the amount of nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide in the emissions a new common stack with independent flues was constructed for units 1 & 2 and a single new stack was built for unit 3 as part of installation of wet FGD systems on these units.

