5 Biggest Bitcoin Predictions in 2021

2. Balaji Srinivasan, Former CTO Coinbase 

Prediction: Firewall, Domestic Penalties Will Affect Blockchain in China

Balaji Srinivasan, is the former chief technology officer of Coinbase and an angel investor with significant exposure to a range of technology-related companies. Srinivasan is perhaps one of the most ardent Bitcoin bulls in the finance world, but is equally cautious about the threat of possible crackdowns against crypto as it challenges traditional power players.

Balaji Srinivasan

Balaji Srinivasan

For example, Srinivasan predicted the recent crackdown on cryptocurrencies in China as far back as two months ago during an interview with The Tim Ferriss Show. Balaji explained how the Great Firewall of China would act against foreign influences on domestic internet operations, making crypto a prime target of the authorities sooner rather than later. 

Srinivasan also warned of domestic penalties for those dealing in blockchain technologies in China. A couple of months after his interview, the Chinese government placed restrictions on the finance institutions dealing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Coin mining has already been banned in China.