5 Best Stocks To Buy Now For Beginner Investors

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1.  Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN): $3,328.23

Number of Hedge Funds: 273 (2020Q4)
Number of Hedge Funds: 245 (2020Q3)
Total Dollar Amount of Long Hedge Fund Positions: $51.5 billion
Percent of Hedge Funds with Long Positions: 30.8%
First Quarter Return (through February 18): 2.2%
Popularity Ranking (2020Q3): 1
Popularity Ranking (2020Q2): 1
Noteworthy Hedge Fund Shareholders: Masayoshi Son

Please also see Bill Gates’ Most Recent Investments and Warren Buffett’s Top 10 Stock Picks.

Disclosure: None.

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