5 Best SPACs to Buy According to Herb Wagner’s FinePoint Capital

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1. Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY)

Wagner’s Stake Value: $19,417,000
Percentage of Herb Wagner’s 13F Portfolio: 3.64%

Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY) enters into a capital stock exchange, stock purchase, reorganization, asset acquisition, or related business combination with one or more businesses or entities. The company was founded in 2020 and is placed first on the list of 10 best SPACs to buy according to Herb Wagner’s FinePoint Capital. Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY) currently has a market capitalization of $1.21 billion.

It was one of the first corporate software firms to use a subscription-based business model when it went public in 2000. On July 15, Aurora, a self-driving technology firm, agreed to combine with Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY) in a SPAC agreement.

The stock is a new arrival on Herb Wagner’s portfolio, as his hedge fund bought about 1.92 million shares of Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY), worth $19.42 million. In addition, Seth Klarman’s Baupost Group is a leading shareholder in Reinvent Technology Partners Y (NASDAQ: RTPY), with 6 million shares worth more than $59.34 million.

You can also take a peek at 10 Best SPACs to Buy According to David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital and 10 Best SPACs to Invest In According to Reddit 

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