If you’re looking for a fun new job or side gig, check out our list of the best mixology classes in Manhattan. You will get educated as well on what are the best mixes that will suit your choice of cocktail drink.
The art of mixing cocktail drinks is mixology. The result of these skills comes in the form of your favorite cocktails at a bar or even the new ones that we are eager to try. Mixology may look easy for those who are just watching, but there are steps to achieve this skill. We have to learn the basic and details of the drinks that are compatible to be mixed together. We may refer to a mixologist as a bartender. A mixologist in Manhattan makes around $31,098 average base salary, which is 14% higher compared to the average mixologist salary in the U.S. As a mixologist, you must have the patience for taking orders and keeping up with them because once you are a mixologist, you have your hands full with this task.

A mixologist and a bartender can be so much alike in terms of service and passion for their job. Both provide a great service to people and great drinks as well. But there is also a little bit of difference between a bartender and a mixologist. Bartenders generally take care of the cash and manage the stock of the bar. They also serve many people at the same time. A mixologist is someone who is innovating the world of bartending. They make and mix drinks where added ingredients result in a unique taste (which they study to learn how to do). Just take a look at this article of 11 Good Mixed Drinks to Order at a Bar to see the results of a mixologist’s work.Despite these little differences, a bartender and a mixologist are both essential and important. They may differ in their expertise and in what they do but their goal is to serve the best cocktail drinks possible. You can meet plenty of these well-skilled, hard workers around New York City since it has a jam packed clubs and bars making the city lively at night.
You have a lot of choices if you are looking for classes to learn a new skill around New York City. Whether you’re looking for group just solo mixology classes in NYC or couples mixology classes in NYC, you can find it here. Some programs conduct their classes where you can choose from the scheduled ones, and some give you the option to book a private event. With the help of the Class Curious database, which we can rely on when it comes to all things about New York, we were able to complete our list. On the list you will find bars that conduct mixology classes as well as some culinary schools that have a mixology program for those interested in the skill. A quick Google Search was also helpful when it came to digging for deeper information about the programs. These are ranked in no particular order, but surely these are the best of the best around Manhattan. Mixology is not just something fancy that you do mixing drinks and showing off your moves. This is a job expressing your creativity and celebrating your individuality in a unique way. With these classes, you will get to enjoy becoming a mixologist, while learning more about cocktail drinks.
Grab your liquor and tumbler and take a look at our list of best mixology classes in Manhattan.