4. Taiwan
Average Monthly Salary: $1,300 – 2,000
Monthly Cost of Living: $935 – 1,300
Quality of Life Rank: 21
There is something in Taiwan, the number 4 in our list of best countries to teach English in Asia, that makes it appealing, although the cost of living can be rather high. This beautiful country will give you an amazing cultural experience, so the money may well not be so important. You will probably be able to get a 12-month contract in Taiwan, with the interview being handled over Skype or phone in advance. You will also have to secure the visa in advance. The public schools are better paid and offer bonuses at the end of the contract, but they have less vacation time. Private schools offer smaller salaries, but the included benefits are often better with more vacation days and possible accommodation allowance that can mean much in Taiwan. The hiring peaks are in July and August.