5. Thailand
Average Monthly Salary: $850 – $1,000
Monthly Cost of Living: $500 – $700
Quality of Life Rank: 60
We are starting off our list of best countries to teach English in Asia with Thailand, thatis a rapidly rising economy, connecting to the world, so English teachers are more than welcomed here. The country offers one of the lowest average salaries, but also the lowest cost of living. The contracts are mostly in length of 6 & 12 months. The peak of the hiring season happens in May and November. After application, you will be required to do a face to face interview, although it is sometimes possible to get it done via Skype. There is an important difference betwgovernment-operatedated schools and private ones. You won’t be required to work during weekends and nights in government schools, but the salary will be lower. In private schools, the salary is higher, but weekend and night work is almost obligatory.

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