If you have an English language degree and you are tired of the job hunt in your native country, or you just want to explore new countries, then you should definitely check our list of 5 best countries to teach English in Asia.
You probably know that there is a high demand for English teachers in non-English speaking countries, especially in Asia. English is an international language, and Asian countries want to progress in every possible way, so the English fluency is a major deal for the natives. According to some sources, there are more than 20,000 monthly job ads for English teachers in foreign countries. The demand is so high that hiring foreigners as English teachers is a must. Kindergartens, high schools, universities, they all need English teachers. To teach English in some countries, you don’t even have to have a college degree in English. If you want to know more about that, check out our list of 7 Easiest Countries to Teach English Without a College Degree.

Not having a degree is an exception from the rule. To be considered for a job as an English teacher in Asia, you have to hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in English. This is if you are looking to work in schools or any other private or government educational institution in the bigger cities. Getting away with not having an English language degree and teaching English is only manageable if you are ready to work in villages and rural areas. There isn’t a lack of demand there, only a lack of people who are willing to work, hence everyone who has more extensive knowledge of the English language is welcomed to try.
Now you will probably ask why someone would go to Asia in a foreign country to teach English. Well, the main reason is the earlier mentioned demand and fact that the salary is good. As an English teacher in most Asian countries, you would be able to earn the same salary or even a greater one than in the United States for example, and you will spend less of it on the living costs. Also, most of these countries offer additional benefits like contract bonuses and accommodation. Since English knowledge in Asia is desirable not just for students, but for almost everyone, there are people who are willing to pay for English lessons via Skype, which is perfect for people who don’t want to relocate.
The highest demand is currently in the Northeast and Southeast Asia, but the trend is gaining traction all over the continent. Central and South Asia are joining in as the countries that attract a large number of English teachers, with reported experience being very positive. Also, there is a demand in the Middle East, but your chances of success in finding a job there depend on many factors.
According to most of the online sources, including The Huffington Post, holding only a college degree in English isn’t enough. You will have to have appropriate certifications, which will also determine your salary, besides your odds for a job. TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) and TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) certifications are cheaper and if you find the right provider, they can be obtained online. They also require less time to complete them. The price is in the range from a couple of hundred dollars to a couple of thousands. The CELTA (certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages) certification is more appreciated due to its connection to Cambridge University. The course takes longer; it is more intensive and can’t be completed online. This comes with a price, which is usually around $2,000 to 4,000. It may seem like a heavy investment, but it will largely increase your chances of finding a well-paid teaching job in Asia. There are a lot of recruiting websites that post English teaching jobs from all over Asia, so if you dig a bit, you will find plenty of good ones. To save you some trouble, here are a few of them: Go Overseas, Asia Teaching Jobs, and TEFL. This way you can see what is out there.
We hope we gave you a proper introduction, so let’s get to our list of 5 best countries to teach English in Asia. To compile the list we looked into the 10 most recommended Asian countries for English teacher among lists made by Matador Network, International TEFL Academy, and Go Abroad. Using various sources like the Economist and the International TEFL Academy we checked the each country for monthly average salaries for English teachers, its rank for the quality of life, and the monthly cost of living. We made separate rankings and then summed up the scores. The ones that had the best overall results made it on our list of best countries to teach English in Asia. Let’s check them out.