5 Best Countries for Cancer Treatment

3. Finland

In the EU, Finland has some of the best cancer survival rates. In 2019, the survival rate of Finland stood at 215 deaths per 100,000 population and the EU’s figure was 247 per 100,000 people. The country is ranked 6th and 7th in global survival rates for breast and prostate cancer.

The low mortality rate can be attributed to various factors including the country’s emphasis on new policies to prevent cancer like the Act on Screening 2022 which promotes early screening for specific cancer types and the national human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for children aged 10-12.

For cancer care, the country has 10.3 radiation centers per 1000,000 people compared to the EU’s 8.9. Lastly, Finland is speeding up cancer research through the Genome Centre Act and The Finnish National Study to Facilitate Patient Access to Targeted Anti-cancer Drugs (FINPROVE).