Technology affects our society and surroundings in a number of ways, both good and bad. 3D printing is one such example which can used in both realms of reality, and companies like 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Stratasys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SSYS) literally illustrate this fact.
Now, three dimensional printing is a process wherein one can make any solid object using a printer, though materials are limited to what is supported by a user’s particular device. Generally speaking, though, 3D printers form their creations by building successive layers of material and then shaping it via a laser or drill.
Photo Credit: Keith Kissel
A digital model, along with 3D printer and print material, is all one requires to virtually create any solid 3D object ranging from a gun, to guitar, to even a bike.
While there are many companies in this business, 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) is one the leading manufacturers of 3D printers, print material, and other demand parts/digital contents for both professional and commercial users. The success of company’s products is reflected in its share price, which has almost doubled since it was shifted to the NYSE from the NASDAQ back in mid-2011.Although the 3D printing industry itself is not very big, 3D Systems is not the only company operating in this domain. Some of the other big names includes Stratasys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SSYS), which merged with Objet Ltd., and non-listed companies like MakerBot & Solidoodle.
Leveraging upon its expertise in 2D printing, wide distribution network and techological support from Stratasys, Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) also launched its entry level 3D printer last year. Still, from an investing standpoint, it has been hard to beat 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) of late. DDD shares are up a whopping 100.8% in the past twelve months.
Technology, as we know, is developed to make our life easier, but there is another side to it. While 3D printing technology can be used to make items like wine glasses and bikes, it can also be used to manufacture certain sections of fully-functioning guns.
Let’s take a look at the ten most impressive 3D printed creations on record. Note: printers are not exclusively 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Stratasys, HPQ, MakerBot, Solidoodle, or any other manufacturer. Footage was found on YouTube.