At least two pharmaceutical companies already see the potential. Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE) and United Therapeutics Corporation (NASDAQ:UTHR) have partnered with Organovo. No details have been disclosed about the arrangement between the companies, but Organovo’s vice president of commercial operations, Mike Renard, says that his company received funding from the larger organizations with some sharing of rights to the technology.
Another major target for disruption is in the organ transplant area. According to World Health Organization estimates, only 10% of current needs for replacement organs is being met worldwide. A huge black market has emerged as a result. The ability to print organs would radically change this dynamic.
The “future future”
While the future is here in some respects, the future also is yet to come. It will be years before some uses of 3-D printing, such as printing organs, is fully viable. What should investors looking to ride the wave do in the meantime?
One option is to buy shares in a more established 3-D printing company such as 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD). However, while 3D Systems’ products can be used for some medical applications, they aren’t suited right now for many of the types of uses discussed earlier.
It will definitely take a great deal of time for this emerging technology to be approved, so the least risky path for now is to wait until 3-D printing of body parts matures somewhat. The “future future” will be here sooner than we probably think.
If you just can’t wait for the future to jump into 3-D printing, The Motley Fool can help you navigate the waters. 3D Systems is at the leading edge of a disruptive technological revolution, with the broadest portfolio of 3-D printers in the industry. However, despite years of earnings growth, 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD)’s share price has risen even faster, and today the company sports a dizzying valuation.
The article The Next 3-D Printing Revolution: Human Body Parts? originally appeared on and is written by Keith Speights.
Fool contributor Keith Speights has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends 3D Systems. The Motley Fool owns shares of 3D Systems and has the following options: Short Jan 2014 $36 Calls on 3D Systems and Short Jan 2014 $20 Puts on 3D Systems.
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