If America focused on its own issues rather than attempting (and failing) to be the savior of the underdeveloped world, maybe the streets of the 35 worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI would be much safer. The US may be the biggest superpower in the world, but it focuses on using its wealth and power to interfere in the matters of other countries, whether they want such interference or not. This is why perhaps it often neglects its own cities, and hence they suffer.
Homicides are increasing significantly in the country on the overall level, with St. Louis, Baltimore and Detroit topping the list of cities with most murders in 2017. St. Louis seems to have made it a habit, with the city also managing the highest murders in US by city in 2016. The human life seems to have little or no value in such cities, and you should be cautious when visiting or living in cities such as Emeryville, California, that are considered to be one of the worst cities in America to live in.

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If you want to learn more details about the worst areas in the US to live in, you might want to check out our article on 30 most dangerous neighborhoods in America. If you want to learn about the dangers of what is considered to be the pinnacle of American cities, New York, you should give the 10 worst, poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in New York a visit. On the other hand, if you are considering moving to a new city and want to learn about the safest cities in the US, you should consider moving to Dayton, Ohio which is apparently the easiest city to move to in America because of its 37% job growth rate.
It’s not an easy task to determine the worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI. After all, the FBI provides statistics related to crime and not towards the standard of living in a specific area. Hence, we had to focus on the crime rates to determine the ranking of cities. For this purpose, we obtained the FBI’s data on various crimes committed in multiple cities in the country. These involved petty crimes such as larceny and included serious crimes as well, such as rape, murder, and arson.
In our ranking, we selected the cities which had not only the highest number of crimes committed in 2016 (since those are the latest data) but the highest number of crimes per capita as well. This way, we could obtain ranking which is far more accurate than it would have been had we focused only on the number of crimes, which can be deceiving. For this list we have come up with a genuine Insider Monkey score, that is, in fact, the average of points given to cities according to parameters mentioned above. So, the higher is score; the higher is city on the list. Of course, we are starting with the least dangerous, ghettoest city in America in 2017.
When you’re ready, head on over to the next page!
35. New Orleans, Louisiana
Insider Monkey Score: 12
New Orleans seems to be working hard to become the murder capital of the world, with 13 people murdered in the city in a single day in June!

33. Pueblo, Colorado
Insider Monkey Score: 13
While the city is not as famous as some of the other names on this list, its crime statistics are alarming, which is why it is on our list of 35 worst, most dangerous, ghettoed cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI.

Seb c’est bien/Shutterstock.com
33. Stockton
Insider Monkey Score: 13
According to Forbes, Stockton is one of the 10 most dangerous cities in America, mainly due to rampant crime.

32. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Insider Monkey Score: 14
City crime rate in Oklahoma City is 65% higher than the national average in the US, earning it a place on this list.

31. Columbus, Ohio
Insider Monkey Score: 15
While Columbus was one of the safest areas in the US a decade ago, now it is one of the more dangerous ones.

Andrey Burmakin/Shutterstock.com
30. Modesto, California
Insider Monkey Score: 16
Modesto is the city where rolling gun battles are nothing out of the ordinary. That’s why it’s on our list of the worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI.

28. Knoxville, Tennessee
Insider Monkey Score: 17
Within Tennessee, over 97% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Knoxville!

Artem Furman/Shutterstock.com
28. Miami, Florida
Insider Monkey Score: 17
You might be shocked to see Miami here; after all, it has some of the most expensive beachfront properties in the country. The city suffers from rampant crime in addition to an abuse of drugs.

25. Cincinnati, Ohio
Insider Monkey Score: 19
Cincinnati was home to the most dangerous neighborhood in the entire country a few years ago, and though conditions have improved, a lot more still needs to be done.

Warren Goldswain/Shutterstock.com
25. Chattanooga, Tennessee
Insider Monkey Score: 19
The chance of being a victim of a violent crime in this city is 1 in 101, which is extremely high for the supposedly most advanced country in the world.

25. Louisville Metro, Kentucky
Insider Monkey Score: 19
While it is easy to determine that Louisville’s crime rates have increased significantly, experts are unable to determine the reason why.

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo
24. Lubbock, Texas
Insider Monkey Score: 21
Texas has many cities considered to be among the worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI, and Lubbock is no exception.

Copyright: squidmediaro / 123RF Stock Photo
22. Anchorage, Alaska
Insider Monkey Score: 23
Anchorage has struggled with violent crime as well as substance abuse, and the two have combined to give Anchorage a very undesirable ranking.

Copyright: stevanovicigor / 123RF Stock Photo
22. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Insider Monkey Score: 23
Milwaukee was considered worse than 96% of the US cities in terms of crime, and it seems that little improvement has been made since.

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19. Tallahassee, Florida
Insider Monkey Score: 24
Tallahassee is the worst city in Florida to live in if you want to avoid crime, as stated by Forbes.

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19. Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Insider Monkey Score: 24
However, Fort Lauterdale is equal to Tallahassee in our rankings, as the city also suffers from rampant crime.

19. Kansas City, Missouri
Insider Monkey Score: 24
Property crime seems to dominate Kansas City, next in line on our list of worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI with the chance of falling victim to property crimes being 1 in 22.

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17. Orlando, Florida
Insider Monkey Score: 34
While Forbes may consider Miami to be the most dangerous city in Florida, for us that unfortunate distinction belongs to Orlando, thought a large percentage of the crimes consist of petty crimes.

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17. Tacoma, Washington
Insider Monkey Score: 34
We are continuing our list of worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI with Tacoma that has an almost equal mix of both violent and petty crimes, which shows how dangerous the city is, since for most cities, petty crimes make up the overwhelming majority of the total crimes committed.

Copyright: artemfurman / 123RF Stock Photo
14. Springfield, Montana
Insider Monkey Score: 35
No, this is not the Springfield where the Simpsons live, but the city in Montana, where there is a 1 in 74 chance that you will be the victim of a violent crime.

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14. Detroit, Michigan
Insider Monkey Score: 35
The much-maligned city of Detroit inevitably makes this list, with rampant crime and homicides due to the altercation between gangs carried out on a weekly basis.

Pikul Noorod/Shutterstock.com
14. Little Rock, Arkansas
Insider Monkey Score: 35
It was considered to be one of the most dangerous cities in America in 2014, and things are not improving at all for Little Rock.

12. Atlanta, Georgia
Insider Monkey Score: 36
While crime fell drastically in Atlanta between 2001 and 2009, the situation has gotten steadily worse ever since.

12. Houston, Texas
Insider Monkey Score: 36
While Houston, the numer 12 on our list of worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI has always suffered from crime, you can assess how dangerous it is by considering how crime rose after Hurricane Harvey hit the city.

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11. Spokane, Washington
Insider Monkey Score: 38
While Spokane may not have a lot of violent or major crimes, property crimes and petty crimes dominate the city, making it one of the worst cities in the US.

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10. St. Louis, Missouri
Insider Monkey Score: 40
St. Louis may be the murder capital of the world, but it lags behind in other crimes, which is why it only takes the number 10 spot on the list.

9. Tulsa, Oklahoma
Insider Monkey Score: 41
Tulsa has been in the grip of both violent and nonviolent crimes, with the chance of falling victim to a property crime being around 1 in 20.

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8. San Antonio, Texas
Insider Monkey Score: 42
Violent crime continues its steady climb in the city of San Antonio, where it has risen in at least half of the communities in the city, which is a sad statistic to see. It is obvious that the city’s attempt to combat crime is failing utterly and completely.
6. Oakland, California
Insider Monkey Score: 43
Next in line on our list of worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI is Oakland, that is one of the most dangerous cities in California, where the violent crime rate is nearly five times that of the state.

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock.com
6. San Francisco, California
Insider Monkey Score: 43
San Francisco is even more unsafe than Oakland, and in fact, 98% of the communities have a lower crime rate in California when compared with San Francisco.

5. Baltimore, Maryland
Insider Monkey Score: 44
Baltimore is another city which has one of the highest murder rates in America and has one of the highest violent crime rates including murders as well, which is why the city has a much-maligned reputation in recent decades.

Copyright: mackoflower / 123RF Stock Photo
3. Tucson, Arizona
Insider Monkey Score: 46
While the city is not as popular as the others on this list, it is infamous due to its crime rate in America.

Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.com
3. Seattle, Washington
Insider Monkey Score: 46
Seattle has been long plagued with violent crimes, but it is larceny and property crimes which are the most disconcerting in this regard.

2. Memphis, Tennessee
Insider Monkey Score: 51
Both violent crimes and property crimes are abundant in the city of Seattle and this is the main reason behind the incredibly ranking of this city.

1. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Insider Monkey Score: 52
The number one on our list of worst, most dangerous, ghettoest cities in America in 2017 ranked by FBI is Albuquerque, home to the best TV show of all time “Breaking Bad.” Albuquerque has a drug problem in real life too, which has, in turn, caused a vast number of crimes in recent times.

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