30 US Cities With Highest Homicide Rates In 2024

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3. Los Angeles

A 24% decrease in homicides by the end of 2023, including those related to gang violence, demonstrates a hopeful move toward reducing violent crime, with numbers falling to a two-year low of 145 in the first half from a startling 402 murders in 2021. However, there is a reason why Los Angeles will be at the top of the list of US cities with highest homicide rates in 2024. The landscape of lawlessness witnessed a jump in property crimes, with a noteworthy increase in’smash and grab’ instances, mirroring a concerning trend hurting the city’s sense of safety.

In comparison to locations such as San Diego, the rise in car parts burglary and crime in Los Angeles, with a concerning 6,970 occurrences documented in 2022, frequently involving gang members, indicates a distinct difficulty. A stunning 48% drop in murders from July 1 to August 31 signaled a break in violent crimes, marking the lowest figures since 2019 and portraying a picture of a fast-changing criminal scenario during this era.

30 US Cities With Highest Homicide Rates In 2024

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