26. Hungary
Hungary has the same number of IQ as Spain (98) and Latvia. However, the percentage of top performers is different. This country has 2.1% of excellent performers in mathematics, reading, and science.

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SlideshowList XFinanceaverage IQ of USAaverage IQ by raceaverage IQ of Spainaverage IQ of Indiaaverage IQ of Maltaaverage IQ of Japanaverage IQ of Italyaverage IQ of Chinaaverage IQ of Swedenaverage IQ of Russiaaverage IQ of Canadaaverage IQ of Polandaverage IQ of Norwayaverage IQ of Latviaaverage IQ of Franceaverage IQ of Hungaryaverage IQ of Icelandaverage IQ of Germanyaverage IQ of Finlandaverage IQ of Estoniaaverage IQ of Denmarkaverage IQ of Belgiummost intelligent raceaverage IQ of Hong Kongaverage IQ of Singaporeaverage IQ in Australiaaverage IQ of Luxembourgaverage IQ of Netherlandsaverage IQ of South Koreaaverage IQ of Switzerlandis USA the smartest countrydumbest country in the worldaverage IQ of United Kingdomaverage IQ of Czech Republicis Italy the smartest countryis Spain the smartest countryis China the smartest countryis Malta the smartest countryis Japan the smartest countryis Sweden the smartest countryis Russia the smartest countryis Poland the smartest countryis Norway the smartest countryis Latvia the smartest countryis Canada the smartest countryis France the smartest countryis Estonia the smartest countryaverage IQ of Australia AustriaIs Austria the smartest countryis Belgium the smartest countryis Denmark the smartest countryis Germany the smartest countrysmartest countries in the worldis Finland the smartest countryis Iceland the smartest countryis Hungary the smartest countryis Hong Kong the smartest countryis Singapore the smartest country25 Dumbest Countries in the WorldIs Australia the smartest countryis Luxembourg the smartest countrymost intelligent race in the worldis Netherlands the smartest countryis South Korea the smartest countryis Switzerland the smartest countryis Czech Republic the smartest countrysmartest countries in the world in 2017is United Kingdom the smartest country in 201715 Countries with Highest Average IQ In the Worldsmartest countries with the highest average IQ in the world in 201730 Smartest Countries With the Highest Average IQ in the World in 2017Show more...Show less