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30 Smartest Countries with Highest Average IQ

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Intelligence quotient, more commonly referred to as IQ, is a measure of an individual’s intelligence, sanity, and acumen. The use of IQ for measuring intelligence is not the first of its kind. Numerous other tests, most notable of which include the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), also serve the same purpose. It is the prowess of IQ, owing to which humanity has been successful in understanding the creation of the universe, splitting the atom, making leaps and bounds in technology, and planning on settling on other planets.

Needless to say, it is this significance of high IQ which has promoted countries with high IQ to succeed and govern the market share in various fields. However, despite the correlation between IQ and per capita income, it is to be kept in mind that there are various exceptions in the list of smartest countries. On the one hand, industrialized and high-income nations such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are among the top achievers; however, on the other hand, countries such as China and Mongolia are also among the top performers.

The idea of categorizing a nation based on a single score is highly controversial and may seem downright erroneous. Intelligence, like all the other human traits, is influenced by various national, political, geographical factors. IQ has been shown to vary with education, premature birth, nutrition, pollution, drug and alcohol use, mental illnesses, and disease. Similarly, research has been successful in emphasizing a correlation between spiritual connection and intelligence. Another research highlighted the significance of iodine intake on enhancing mental and psychomotor development. One of the human emotions, most often linked with the intelligence quotient is the emotional quotient (EQ). An emotional quotient or intelligence refers to an individual’s capability of being aware and in control of his/her emotions. It also encompasses the tendency to take feedback, handle it positively, and manage interpersonal relationships more empathically. As per recent research, EQ has been shown to have a direct relation to IQ.


Our Methodology

Determining IQ and utilizing it for policy formulation and decision-making is easier said than done. The complexity of the human brain coupled with the intricate thought structure and consciousness makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure the true intellect of an individual. Different IQ tests have different formats to emphasize various aspects of the human brain and acumen. The most commonly used IQ test i.e., Mensa IQ test measures an individual’s intellect based on verbal as well as non-verbal abilities such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. The IQ test has been adopted to a mean value of 100 points. For a standard deviation of 15%, a score between 85-115 is considered normal. A score greater than 130 is considered super intelligence, whereas a score between 70 is of concern.

To sort the countries regarding intelligence, the reliance on only the standardized test scores can be a tricky and somewhat faulty logic. For this purpose, along with the standardized test score, the number of noble prize winners per nation and the “education attainment” are to be considered. The number of noble prize winners serves to provide empirical, historic proof to our ranking whereas the education attainment aims to illustrate the percentage of students achieving advanced scores at the school level. The data for the intelligence quotients of various countries have been taken from the latest World Population Review and the PISA tests conducted in 2003, 2006, and 2009. The stats for national incomes and average educational expenses have been taken from World Bank’s data collected from between 1990-2010. The figures for the number of noble prize winners and population have been taken from the World Bank.

Here, one of the main criticisms faced by IQ is to be considered. It has been debated for decades now that the IQ has been developed by West Europeans for West Europeans according to West Europeans standards. Applying the same tests to other nations having different educational settings, social strata, cultural and behavioral norms is something that introduces error and bias in the ranking.

Nevertheless, the ranking that has been developed and followed across the globe cannot be negated and needs to be considered for now.

30 Smartest Countries with Highest Average IQ

30. Latvia

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 1

Latvia with an overall population of 1.8M, being a developing country has managed to secure the 30th spot in the world’s smartest IQ-bearing countries, by securing an average IQ score of 98. This tremendous accomplishment can be attributed to the fact that citizens of Latvia keep education as their topmost priority. This can be seen as, despite their average income of 6,954$, they spend a major portion (333$) of this over a person’s educational needs.

29. The Czech Republic

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 5

Another developing country, which made its mark on the list of smartest countries is the Czech Republic. It, being a population of 10.7M, was able to garner a cumulative IQ score of 98, only surpassing its close competitor Latvia by 4 increased noble prizes, and winning the 29th spot. The reason for this success, undoubtedly, goes to the increased average income of 9,283$, from which around 385$ per capita are being spent on improving the educational value.

28. Spain

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 8

Spain, with a huge population of 46.7M, has had the privilege of being the world’s 28th smartest country by scoring an IQ of 98. In addition to their advanced IQ score, Spain also prides itself on having won 8 noble prizes; 6 in the field of literature and 2 in the field of medicine.

27. Australia

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 12

With an average national intelligence quotient of 98 and 12 noble prizes, Australia with a population of 25.7M, has been ranked as the world’s 27th smartest country. This ranking can be contributed to the fact that Australians, being an education-centric nation, spends 1,388$ per capita on education from their average income of 25,665$.

26. Hungary

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 13

With a population of 9.63M, Hungary has been able to score 13 noble prizes along with an average national IQ of 98. These noble prizes have been won in diversified fields such as physics, medicine, chemistry, economics, and literature. These accomplishments help Hungary earn 26th position in the list of the world’s smartest countries.

25. Denmark

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 13

Denmark, with a population of 5.83M, has been ranked as the world’s 25th highest IQ-based country due to its average IQ score of 98 and 13 noble prizes won in the fields of medicine, peace, literature, physics, and chemistry.

24. France

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 62

With a population of 65.4M, France has been able to garner 24th position in the list of the world’s smartest countries. This placement cannot only be guaranteed based on its average national IQ of 98 but rather a magnanimous number of 62 noble prizes won in multiple different fields.

23. United States

IQ: 98
Noble Prize: 368

The United States, with a huge population of 332.6M, has been successful in winning 23rd spot in the world’s top 30 smartest countries. Along with a national IQ score of 98, the USA has been able to garner 368 noble prizes in diversified fields. With their average income of 36,470$, it appears their per capita spending of 1,909$ on education, is an investment well-suited to them.

22. Estonia

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 0

Estonia, with an average population of 1.3M, has been able to be ranked 22nd amongst the smartest countries of the world by having a national IQ score of 99.

21. Finland

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 5

Finland with an average population of 5.54M, has been able to place itself at number 21 in the world’s highest average based countries, owing to its average IQ of 99 and a noble prize set of 5. With an average income of 31,447$, The Finnish people have been found to spend 1,985$ per capita on educational expenses, thus earning them a spot on the respectable list.

20. Belgium

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 10

Belgium, with a staggering population of 11.6M, prides itself in having a national intelligence score of 99 and the noble prize of 10, won in various fields such as physics, chemistry, physiology/medicine, peace, and literature. Thus, earning Belgians a spot as 20th amongst the smartest nations.

19. Poland

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 12

Poland has had the distinction of being 19th in the world’s highest IQ-based countries through an IQ of 99 and a noble prize set of 12, worn in the field of physics, literature, chemistry, medicine, peace, and economics.

18. Canada

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 23

Canada, having a population of 38.06M, is crowned as the 18th smartest country in the world owing to their IQ score of 99 and noble prize list of 23 won in various substantial fields. From amongst their average national income of 27,683$, they spend 1,657$ per capita on literacy to keep this position.

17. Sweden

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 30

Sweden, with a population of 10.1M, from its average income of 36,480$, spends 2,337$ per capita on education to earn spot no 17 in the world’s smartest countries. It has been successful in maintaining an IQ score of 99, with 30 noble prizes won in the fields of chemistry, literature, peace, physiology/medicine, physics, and economics.

16. Germany

IQ: 99
Noble Prize: 107

Germany, with an immense 83.9M populace, is awarded a national IQ of 99 and a noble prize list of 109 emerging from various fields. This is one of the major reasons why Germany has been ranked 16th amongst the smartest countries and sought-after educational destinations in the world.

15. Luxemburg

IQ: 100
Noble Prize: 2

Luxemburg has also been able to grab the position of the world’s 15th smartest country of the world owing to its national IQ of 100 and 2 noble prize winners – 1 in Physiology/medicine and the 2nd in physics.

14. Norway

IQ: 100
Noble Prize: 13

Norway, with a population of 5.46M, has been bestowed with an IQ of 100 with a lucrative noble prize-winning list of 13, which has earned them 14th place in the world’s smartest countries. From Norway’s average monthly income of 48,287$, 3,527$ per capita is spent on education, which allows them to produce noble prize winners at a steady rate.

13. The Netherlands

IQ: 100
Noble Prize: 20

The Netherlands, with an average monthly income of 33,689$, incurs 1,685$ per capita on education, earning him the 13th rank in the list of the smartest countries in the world. Their average IQ of 100 coupled with 20 noble prize winners ranging from physicists, chemists, peace-makers, physiologists, and economists.

12. Austria

IQ: 100
Noble Prize: 21

Austria with an average population of 9.04M, ranks 12th amongst the world’s highest IQ-based countries by scoring an average of 100 IQ and producing 21 noble laureates.

11. United Kingdom

IQ: 100
Noble Prize: 132

From their average monthly income of $30,986, United Kingdom spends $1,443 per capita on educational expenses, which is reflected in the national IQ of 100 and noble prize list of 32 winners, thus earning the UK the place as 11th smartest country in the world.

10. Mongolia

IQ: 101
Noble Prize: 0

Mongolia, with its average population of 3.32M, has astounded the world by scoring a national IQ of 101 and earning the 10th rank in the world’s smartest countries.

9. Iceland

IQ: 101
Noble Prize: 1

Iceland, from its average national income of $34,861, spends $2,417 per capita on education and has succeeded in achieving a national IQ of 101 and a noble price in literature, thus placed 9th smartest country in the world.

8. Switzerland

IQ: 101
Noble Prize: 26

Switzerland, with its huge populace of 8.71M, has successfully won 8th place in the world’s smartest countries with a national IQ of 101 and a noble prize list of 27, who served the world in different fields such as chemistry, literature, mathematics, peace, economics, medicine, physics and astronomy.

7. Italy

IQ: 102
Noble Prize: 20

Italy with a population of 60.3M, has achieved a national IQ of 102 and produced 20 noble winners which have placed 7th in the list of the world’s smartest countries.

6. Taiwan

IQ: 104
Noble Prize: 4

Taiwan has secured 6th rank in the world’s smartest countries by securing a national IQ of 104 and producing 4 noble prize winners in the fields of chemistry.

5. China

IQ: 105
Noble Prize: 9

China, exploiting its massive population of 1.44B, has been able to achieve a national IQ of 105 and 9 noble prize winners. This has won China 5th place in the list of the world’s smartest countries. Although from amongst their national average income of $1,374, only $27 per in capita is incurred on education, the impact is overcompensated by their high populace.


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