30 Most Evil People in History

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11. Qin Shi Huang

Not just that he will only be remembered as the first Emperor of China, but also as the one with the craziest ideas and with the biggest legacy that leaves the tourists speechless even today. Even though we are amazed by the Terracotta Army Museum today, being Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum as well, the story behind it is disturbing. More than 700,000 of people worked on it day and night, dying on a daily basis because of the poor conditions. The Emperor was obsessed with immortality, and he was also famous for searching for scientists who will find a way for him to live eternally, eventually killing each of them for not being able to provide that for him. His weird ideas and cruelty brought him on the list of most evil people in history.

30 Most Evil People in History

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