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30 Most Crime Ridden Cities in America

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In a previous article, we looked at the 30 US cities with the highest violent crime rates. In this article, we will look at the 30 cities with the most crimes, including violent and nonviolent ones.  

In recent news, Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) announced it will shut down four of its stores in Chicago. In 2021, retailers in the United States lost a combined $94.5 billion to theft and other inventory loss. Inventory shrinkage, along with the growing e-commerce industry, is forcing large retailers to shut down stores. Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT)’s announcement to shut down its store in Chicago comes only weeks after it shuttered its only store in Portland. In addition, Target Corp (NYSE: TGT)’s CEO Brian Cornell recently hinted at closing stores soon. In December 2022, Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT)’s CEO Doug McMillon said “Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been”. Target Corp (NYSE: TGT)’s CEO warned in May that violence and organized retail crimes are hurting their profitability. 

Crime is defined as an intentional act deemed socially harmful, dangerous, prohibited, and punishable under criminal law. So, inventory theft, whether violent or nonviolent, is a crime. It is difficult to conduct business in crime-ridden areas, whether you are a large retail store like Target Corp (NYSE: TGT) or a small one. Liberal gun laws in some states also increase the likelihood of crime turning violent. So, keep reading because, in this article, we will reveal which US city has the highest crime rate

Since the start of Covid 19, crimes have dramatically increased in the United States. Experts cite economic pressures as the most important reason for an increase in crime. While the crime rates have not fallen to the pre-pandemic level, there is some improvement in the United States. According to a report by the Council of Criminal Justice, the number of homicides in 2022 was 4% lower than the counts recorded in 2021. However, robberies, nonresidential bulagries, and larcenies increased by at least 5.5% in 2022. Vehicle thefts have been on the rise since Covid and saw a 21% increase in 2022. 

The United States is still grappling with gun violence. In 2022, the estimated number of firearm deaths, excluding suicide, was 20138. This comes at a time when the United States Supreme Court, for the first time, recognized the right to carry a loaded firearm in public.

In the last five years, the number of federally licensed gun dealers increased by 2,000. The United States is known as one of the easiest places to get a gun. So, it is unsurprising that six of the 15 Biggest Gun Companies in the World are listed on US stock exchanges.

The biggest Gun company, Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO) is based in the United States. It is a manufacturer and marketer of outdoor sports and recreation products. The company also operates in shooting sports and is the owner of many ammunition makers such as Remmington. By 2019 year end, Vista Outdoor Inc (NYSE: VSTO)’s stock traded for around $7. By 2021, Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO)’s stock became a hot favorite of many hedge funds.

One such hedge fund, ClearBridge Investments, published its “Small Cap Value Strategy” for the second quarter of 2021, and here is what it had to say about Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO): “Our Strategy outperformed with strong results from consumer discretionary stocks likeVista Outdoor. Vista Outdoor, a manufacturer of a wide range of products serving the outdoor sports and recreation markets, also performed well in the period on continued demand and growing margins.”

The second largest gun company, Sportsman’s Warehouse Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ: SPWH), is also based in the United States. Its stock trades at $4.93 and has shown a 46.76% decrease on a year-to-date basis on 28th August 2023. Warehouse Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ: SPWH)’s revenue for the year 2022 was $1.4 Billion, which was 7.08% lower than its revenue for the year 2021. This was the first time since 2014, that the revenue of Sportsman’s Warehouse Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ: SPWH) decreased compared to the last year. 


We compiled the list of the Most Crime Ridden Cities in America from the data from the FBI. The list has been updated using the latest data from the FBI about the crime rates in cities of the United States. We listed the most crime-ridden cities according to the average number of crimes per day. 

30 – Springfield, Missouri

Crimes per day – 9.32

The most common type of crime in Springfield is Larceny. In 2019, 9,436 larcenies were reported in the city, with 5576 for every 100,000 people. There has been a recent increase in crime in Springfield, and according to some analysts, all of it can be attributed to gun violence. 

29 – Tacoma, Washington

Crimes per day – 9.85

Tacoma has a crime rate of 6351 per 100,000 people, with 843 per 100,000 residents committing violent crimes. In 2020, the city recorded the second-highest violent crime rate in the country, as each resident in the city had a 1 in 118 chance of being assaulted. 

28 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Crimes per day – 10.07

St.Paul has a crime rate of 49 per one thousand residents. It has a higher crime rate than similarly sized metropolitan areas in the United States. 

27 – Salt Lake City, Utah

Crimes per day – 11.23

Salt Lake City has higher crime rates than similarly sized metropolitan areas, making it one of the most crime-ridden cities in America. In 2021, a total of 415 violent crimes, and 3685 property crimes were reported in the city. 

26 – Colorado Springs, Colorado

Crimes per day – 12.8

In 202, Colorado’s crime rate was higher than the national average. The city also experienced a record-high murder rate in 2022. However, more recent studies show that the crime rate in Colorado Springs is starting to go down. 

25 – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Crimes per day – 13.11

In 2021, Minneapolis reported 952 violent and 3833 property crimes, making it the 25th most crime-ridden city in the United States. 2.17 in every 1000 people in Minneapolis can commit violent crime. 

24 – Cleveland, Ohio

Crimes per day – 13.15

Latest stats show that the crime rate in Ohio is 56 per 1,000 residents. It has one of the highest crime rates in America when compared to all sized communities. There is a 1 in 18 chance of one’s chances of encountering a crime. 

23 – Aurora, Colorado

Crimes per day – 13.93

In 2021, a total of 944 violent crimes were reported from Aurora. In 2022, the city reported a new murder record. Many analysts also claim Aurora to be the second most dangerous city in Colorado. 

22 – Wichita, Kansas

Crimes per day – 15.35

With 15.35 crimes per day, Wichita is one of the most crime-ridden cities in the United States. Its latest estimate reports 1141 incidents in every 100,000 people, which is well above the national average of 379 offenses per 100,000 people. 

21 – Tulsa, Oklahoma

Crimes per day – 16.39

Most analysts rate Tulsa as the most dangerous city in Oklahoma. There were a total of 72 murders in Tulsa in 2020. The probability of a Tusla resident becoming a victim of a violent crime such as robbery, rape, assault, or murder is 1 in 88 residents. 

20 – Atlanta, Georgia

Crimes per day – 16.73

In 2021, more than 1,000 violent crimes were reported in Atlanta. The city recorded almost 5,000 property crimes in the same year. 

19 – Kansas City, Missouri

Crimes per day – 17.68

Kansas City recorded a total of 1557 violent and 4896 property crimes. It has a crime rate of 57 per 1000 residents which is one of the highest in America. 

18 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Crimes per day – 18.39

According to the FBI data, Oklahoma City has one of the highest motor vehicle theft rates in the United States. A person’s chance of becoming a victim of property crime in the city is 37%. The city recorded 913 violent crimes in 2021, which is lower than Kansas City. 

17 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

Crimes per day – 18.51

Milwaukee reported a total of 2,085 violent crimes in 2021, which is one of the highest in the United States. The city also reported 4672 property crimes in the same year. 

16 – Fort Worth, Texas

Crimes per day – 18.96

A person has a 1 in 31 chance of becoming a victim of crime in Fort Worth. The city reported 5,787 property and 1135 violent crimes in 2021. 

15 – Nashville, Tennessee

Crimes per day – 19.94

According to the latest estimate, the crime rate in Nashville is 5114 incidences per 1,000 people, making it one of the most crime-ridden cities in the United States. The city recorded more than 1700 violent crimes in 2021. 

14 – San Diego, California

Crimes per day – 20.55

San Diego’s crime rate is 64% higher than the average of California, making it one of the most dangerous cities in the state. The chances of becoming a victim of any type of crime are 41 to 1 in San Diego. 

13 – Detroit, Michigan

Crimes per day – 21.74

A total of 3.186 violent crimes were reported in Detroit in 2021. A total of 4749 property crimes were reported in the city in the same year, making it one of the most crime-ridden cities in Michigan. 

12 – Honolulu, Hawaii

Crimes per day – 21.77

Honolulu has a low violent crime rate, but the city ranks high because of its property crimes. In 2021, 7341 property crimes were reported in the city. 

11 – Columbus, Ohio

Crimes per day – 21.95

Columbus reported a total of 1,270 violent and 6740 property crimes in 2021. It is one of the most crime-ridden cities in Ohio. 

10 – Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina 

Crimes per day – 23.41

Charlotte-Mecklenburg has a high property crime rate, with 6,867 reported in 2021. The city also reported a total of 1678 violent crimes in the same year, making it one of the most dangerous cities in North Carolina. 

9 – Portland, Oregon

Crimes per day – 25

Portland’s property crimes outnumber its violent crimes by quite a bit. The city reported a total of 8090 violent and 1,034 nonviolent crimes. A person’s chance of becoming a victim of property crime is one in 17 in Portland. 

8 – Austin, Texas

Crimes per day – 26.26

According to the latest estimate, the crime rate in Austin, Texas is 4098 per 100,000 residents. A person’s chances of becoming a victim of crime in Austin is 1 in 24. 

7 – Seattle, Washington

Crimes per day – 28.25

Seattle is the most crime-ridden city in Washington, with 1164 violent and 9146 property crimes reported in 2021. The city reported 53 cases of homicide in 2022. 

6 – Memphis, Tennessee

Crimes per day – 31.19

Memphis has a crime rate of 81 per one thousand residents. In 2021, the city reported a total of 3449 violent and 7934 property crimes. A person’s chance of becoming a victim of crime in Memphis is 1 in 12. 

5 – Denver, Colorado

Crimes per day – 32.14

Denver has a huge property crime problem. The property crime reported in the city is 10,276 as opposed to 1455 violent crimes. 

4 – Las Vegas, Nevada

Crimes per day – 33.02

Las Vegas is the most crime-ridden city in Nevada. The city reported 10.281 property and 2729 violent crimes in 2021. A person has a 1 in 33 chance of becoming a victim of crime in Las Vegas. 

3 – Dallas, Texas

Crimes per day – 36.48

With 2729 violent crimes reported in 2021, Dallas is one of the most dangerous cities to live in. The city also reported 10,588 property crimes, making it the third most crime-ridden city in the United States. 

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