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30 Hottest Countries in the World

In this article, we will take a look at the 30 hottest countries in the world. If you would like to skip our discussion on climate-related developments across the globe, you can go to the 5 Hottest Countries in the World.

The Earth experiences distinct seasons primarily due to its axial tilt as it rotates around the Sun. This tilt causes varying sunlight exposure across different regions, leading to temperature changes and the emergence of four seasons. Summer occurs when one hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, resulting in direct sunlight and longer days. The summer solstice, typically around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, is the longest day of the year. The Earth’s surface temperature distribution is influenced by latitude, with equatorial regions experiencing consistent warmth, mid-latitude regions having moderate temperatures with distinct seasons, and polar regions facing freezing temperatures.

However, in recent decades, summers have been quite challenging in warm countries due to the onset of human-driven climate change. With uncontrolled carbon dioxide emissions, the greenhouse effect continues to trap more heat in the atmosphere, leading to hotter temperatures each year. According to Global Climate Highlights, 2023 replaced 2016 as the hottest year on record since 1850. It was 1.18°C warmer than the 20th-century average and 1.35°C above the pre-industrial average temperature. This alarming trend brings the Earth closer to the 1.5°C warming threshold that scientists have been warning us about for years. According to NOAA, the rate of warming in the last few decades has been much faster than the average rate since the 20th century began. Since the pre-industrial era (1850-1900), there has been an increase of about 2°F (1°C) in the global average surface temperature. While this may seem small, the cumulative effect represents a significant rise in overall heat. This surplus heat has far-reaching consequences, contributing to more extreme temperatures worldwide, reduced snow and sea ice, intensified rainfall, and shifts in ecosystems for plants and animals.

Historical Temperature Records

In 2023, the impact of rising temperatures became pronounced as heatwaves swept through various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and China. Countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, China, Spain, Algeria, and Somalia faced severe heatwaves, leading to alarming levels of mortality. A report by the French media company Le Monde shared that over 5000 people lost their lives in France due to heatwaves during the summer of 2023. Furthermore, wildfires damaged extensive areas in Greece and Canada, consuming millions of acres of land. Burkina Faso stands as the hottest country in Africa, while Qatar is known to be the hottest country in Asia. Meanwhile, Malta remains the hottest country in Europe, closely followed by Cyprus. In recent years, many countries have witnessed record-breaking temperatures, some even surpassing 50°C. According to Al Jazeera, the highest recorded temperature in Asia was documented in Iran at 54°C (129°F) in 2017. The highest temperature recorded in Europe was 48.8°C (119.8°F) in Sicily in 2021. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom’s highest recorded temperature was 40.2°C (104.4°F) in 2022. Antarctica’s Seymour Island recorded a maximum of 20.7°C (69.3°F) in 2020.

Investing in a Sustainable Future

The planet’s rapid warming due to greenhouse gases has created the need for clean energy sources to limit the use of fossil fuels that contribute to global warming. NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) is one of the world’s largest producers of wind and solar energy, with a focus on renewable energy expansion and storage capacity. It aims to eliminate carbon emissions by 2045 through its Real Zero plan. NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) also owns Florida Power & Light Company, which is the largest electric utility in America. It supplies clean, affordable, and reliable electricity to over 5.8 million customer accounts, serving more than 12 million people in Florida. Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE:BE) is another prominent player in the clean energy sector. Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE:BE) specializes in converting gas into electricity without combustion. Furthermore, automotive manufacturing companies such as Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) have introduced electric cars to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide from vehicles. Tesla’s “Master Plan” includes making more electric vehicles, using renewable power in the grid, and developing sustainable planes and boats. Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) also plans to use hydrogen for industrial purposes and install heat pumps in homes and buildings. You can check out some of the Most Profitable Renewable Energy Stocks here that play an important role in limiting carbon emissions.

Our Methodology

We used an objective metric, the annual mean temperatures, to shortlist the 30 hottest countries in the world. The data for average annual temperatures, measured in degrees Celsius, was sourced from the World Bank. The 30 hottest countries in the world have been ranked in ascending order of their mean temperatures.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or a professional one looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

Dmitry Trashchenko/

30 Hottest Countries in the World

30. Bangladesh

Mean Annual Temperature = 25.7°C

Bangladesh, with an annual mean temperature of 25.7°C, is known for its tropical monsoon climate. Bangladesh experiences heavy rainfall during the summer from June to September. This is an important period for agriculture, but it also poses challenges due to flooding.

29. Indonesia

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.0°C

Indonesia has a tropical rainforest climate with a mean annual temperature of 26.0°C. Indonesia’s summer season is characterized by hot, humid conditions, with temperatures averaging around 25-26°C and frequent thunderstorms.

28. Guyana

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.2°C

Guyana has a tropical savanna climate with a hot and humid summer season. The country has an average temperature of 26.2°C and experiences a short, intense rainy season.

27. Malaysia

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.4°C

Malaysia’s tropical rainforest climate is characterized by a hot, humid summer season, with temperatures averaging 26.4°C and a monsoon season from October to February. The tropical climate helps combat the heat of summer.

26. Suriname

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.5°C

Suriname’s tropical rainforest climate is hot and humid, with temperatures averaging 26.5°C. The country experiences a wet season from May to September.

25. Sierra Leone

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.6°C

Sierra Leone experiences a tropical savanna climate, with a hot, humid summer and a dry season from November to April.

24. Philippines

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.6°C

The Philippines has a tropical climate with a hot, humid summer. It experiences a wet season from May to November.

23. Thailand

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.8°C

Thailand is known around the world for its beaches. It is the hot summers that make the beaches even more appealing to the masses. Thailand’s climate is tropical, with a hot summer, averaging 26.8°C, and a wet season from May to October.

22. Cote d’Ivoire

Mean Annual Temperature = 26.8°C

Cote d’Ivoire has a mean annual temperature of 26.8°C. The country observes a wet season from June to October.

21. Nigeria

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.2°C

With an average annual temperature of 27.2°C, Nigeria’s climate is tropical savanna, with a hot, humid summer and a dry season from November to April.

20. Sri Lanka

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.2°C

Sri Lanka is among the top 20 hottest countries in the world.  Sri Lanka has a tropical monsoon climate, with a hot summer and a dry season from May to October.

19. Chad

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.3°C

Chad’s climate is tropical savanna, with a dry summer, averaging 27.3°C, and a wet season from May to October.

18. Cambodia

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.3°C

Cambodia features a tropical rainforest climate, marked by a hot and humid summer. The country has an average temperature of 27.3°C and experiences a wet season spanning from June to October.

17. Togo

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.5°C

Togo observes an average annual temperature of 27.5°C and a wet season from June to October.

16. Niger

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.6°C

Niger has a tropical savanna climate, with a hot, dry summer, averaging 27.6°C, and a wet season from May to October.

15. Sudan

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.6°C

Sudan is in the fifteenth position on our list of the 30 hottest countries in the world. The country has a tropical savanna climate.

14. Kuwait

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.6°C

Kuwait experiences a hot, dry summer. The average annual temperature in the country stands at 27.6°C.

13. Ghana

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.7°C

Ghana’s climate is tropical savanna, with a hot, humid summer, averaging 27.7°C, and a dry season from November to April.

12. Singapore

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.7°C

Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate, with a humid summer and a wet season from May to October.

11. Oman

Mean Annual Temperature = 27.9°C

Oman experiences a wet season from November to February. The average annual temperature in the country is around 27.9°C.

10. Guinea-Bissau

Mean Annual Temperature = 28.1°C

Guinea-Bissau has a tropical savanna climate, with a hot, dry summer, averaging 28.1°C, and a wet season from May to October.

9. Gambia

Mean Annual Temperature = 28.5°C

Gambia is among the top 10 hottest countries in the world, with a mean annual temperature of 28.5°C.

8. Benin

Mean Annual Temperature = 28.7°C

Benin experiences a tropical savanna climate featuring a hot and dry summer. The country’s climate includes a wet season extending from May to October. This is a crucial period for its agricultural sector.

7. Bahrain

Mean Annual Temperature = 28.8°C

Bahrain has a desert climate with a hot and dry summer season. The country observes a wet season between November and January.

6. Mauritania

Mean Annual Temperature = 28.9°C

Mauritania has a desert climate characterized by a hot and dry summer. The country also experiences a wet season, occurring from November to January.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Hottest Countries in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 30 Hottest Countries in the World is published on Insider Monkey.

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