30 Hilarious Classic Prank Call Jokes for Friends

This article will provide a list of 30 hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends. We’ve all been bored to the point where we just want to cause a little chaos in a friend or family member’s life, even if it means pulling phone pranks. Prank calls can brighten up an otherwise dull day and re-energize you. Almost everyone has prank-called someone at some point in their lives.

Only someone from another planet would answer an unknown phone call, hear the question, “Is your refrigerator running?” and say yes. As a result, only the luckiest pranksters would have the pleasure of delivering the classic punchline, “Well, you better go catch it!” before laughing off into the distance. This is one of the classic prank calls “refrigerator running” that everybody knows about. According to scientists, the first prank phone call dates since the first phone call has made, at the end of 19. century. As a matter of fact, many of the most famous pranks were made in the 20s, when the first domestics got their own telephones.

So, what motivates people to make prank calls in the first place or learn funny dirty things to say in a prank call? This behavior could be motivated by a number of factors. Prank calls can be used to gain attention and a sense of power or control over the recipient. The caller may feel validated or entertained by eliciting a reaction from the person on the other end of the line. Many prank calls one-liners are made solely for the purpose of amusement. The caller may find humor in the recipient’s confusion or frustration, or they may enjoy the challenge of devising creative scenarios to fool them. Prank calls may be motivated by a desire for vengeance or retaliation in some cases. The caller may be seeking retaliation from someone who has wronged them, or they may simply enjoy causing chaos and disruption in the lives of others. Finally, some people may make prank calls simply because they are bored or want to be entertained. This is especially common in younger people, who may not have fully developed their empathy or understanding of the potential consequences of their actions.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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We can all agree that receiving a prank call is one of the most irritating experiences, but you have to acknowledge that being the creative mind behind a hilarious prank is a bit of a brag. Whether you’re seeking a fun way to spend time during a sleepover with your best friends or aiming to create the next viral prank video on TikTok, you’ll definitely need a solid strategy before dialing the phone. After all, those “your refrigerator’s running” jokes are played out, so if you’re committing to the prank, ensure you have the best ideas in place.

Although you can call prank call numbers to get ideas on how to prank your friends and find excellent prank call scripts for friends, the majority are impulsive pranks committed by bored teenagers looking for a laugh. The most difficult part of the call is deciding what to say and how to get good prank call ideas from friends or great prank call ideas from family. We collected these hilarious best prank calls ever that will have you wanting to call everyone on your friends list in no time. Discover our collection of funny prank call ideas that will be remembered as one of your most amusing moments with your besties.

We used lists of funny pranks on the internet to create a list of 30 hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends. Most of the repeats were on different sites, but we relied on the best prank calls ever. We also found great prank call ideas for friends, which most people use when talking to their close friends. After that, we’ve compiled funny things to say on a prank call that are both hilarious and harmless. Furthermore, these suggestions will assist you in determining what to say to the other person without offending them or their feelings. Our advice is to only use prank calls on people you know and are confident will not be offended. Remember, these prank call scripts should be just for fun.

30. Fake Food Delivery

Calling a friend and informing them that their food has been delivered to their door is one of the most popular hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends. If they are perplexed, explain that you are a food delivery driver and that their food has been delivered. This should be done on someone whose address you know so that it appears more credible. (Or if you know what their favorite food is.) When they sound like they’re checking outside, tell them you left it at their back door or even in front of their garage, and hang up! This one will undoubtedly have your peers running around their house in search of a tasty snack!

29. I Am Pregnant

This one works if you’re a woman calling a man. As soon as they answer the phone, say, “I’ve got some bad news… I am pregnant.” It’s the most effective hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends for your male friends, you know, since it will leave them surprised. You can also make this a little different. Simply inform the prank victim that you are late. He’ll be perplexed, imagining what that means. And then, you can add that you’re late for a meeting or something similar.

28. No Toilet Paper

Prank-calling big restaurants and companies is usually easier. Fancy restaurants take their customer service seriously. Call a restaurant in your city and ask to speak to the manager. They’ll inquire about the purpose of your call and whether you’re expecting someone. After they finish their questions, tell them, “I’m stuck in your toilet, and there’s no toilet paper here. Please send over two rolls. I can’t come out without it!” The prank will be even funnier than it sounds and become one of the most hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends. Try to keep fooling them, and picture them rushing to the restroom to check if you’re there.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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27. I Need Your Advice

Select a health issue that’s both funny and uncomfortable to discuss. Call someone and ask for their health advice. Act like you’re unsure what to do and really need help. The person might feel awkward at first, but there’s a good chance they’ll want to hear you out. Alternatively, you can tell them you’re dealing with some relationship problems and add some drama to make it sound even funnier. Nobody wants to talk about what to do if you have hemorrhoids or strange sexual thoughts, even if you call your best friend or he or she is extremely patient.

26. The Unexpected Confession

Give your friend a call and tell them how much you love and miss them. When they inquire about your identity, act upset and question how often people confess their love to them. They’ll probably be really confused, but keep playing along and maybe even try to fake some tears. The other person will either attempt to console you or might just hang up on you. It’s amusing how people react when strangers confess that they miss them or think about them every day. The majority of people enjoy these situations, although they will be perplexed as to who is calling.

25. Long-Lost Connection

This prank call, like the previous one, involves talking to complete strangers about your most intimate feelings. Dial a random number, and if you happen to know the person’s name, call them up. Launch into a story about how you’ve just stumbled upon their number and wanted to reach out to see how they’ve been. Express your desire to catch up soon and see if you can get them to join in. If they start asking questions to figure out who you are, provide some elaborate, perhaps even wild, details about where and how the two of you know each other.

24. Surprise Accusation

For one of the most hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends, it’s best to choose a friend who’s familiar with your significant other. Put on your best acting skills as you call them and accuse them of kissing your partner behind your back. They’ll be taken aback and probably dismiss it completely. However, proceed with extreme caution. It is not uncommon for unexpected confessions to occur.

23. Will You Marry My Daughter?

You can add a small twist to this prank by calling them and asking them to marry your daughter. One blogger did it by imitating the voice of a well-known person, and it resulted in an amusing prank. Of course, be cautious, because this could seriously offend someone. It is best to ensure that you have spoken with the people you know well.

22. Unexpected Affection

Give your friend a call to express your love and let them know how much you miss them. If they ask for your name, respond with a playful query about how often they receive such affectionate calls. This might puzzle them, but you can carry on the conversation in a friendly and lighthearted manner, keeping the atmosphere light without going too overboard. However, it is always possible to learn something new about your friends. Perhaps they share your admiration and regard for you.

21. Ultimate Fan

It’s similar to the previous one, but this time you’ll pretend to be somebody’s friend because he or she is famous. Ring up your friend and go all out, pretending to be their biggest fan. Shower them with exaggerated praise for even the most basic accomplishments, turning them into epic triumphs. Get creative and have fun with the over-the-top adoration.

20. The Unexpected Conversation

For this prank, you’ll need two phones. Randomly call two people and let them engage in an unexpected conversation. Both parties will be confused and possibly annoyed as you watch the drama unfold. Nobody knows what will happen next. It could end after a few seconds, or it could end after a long conversation between those people.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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19. Take a Deep Breath

This classic prank has endured through the years. Call a random person, and when they answer, simply take a deep breath and remain silent. Repeating this several times will likely lead to them hanging up in annoyance. Deep breading is commonly used in prank calls, but it is also used in horror films.

18. Trapped in Your Bathroom

This playful prank is bound to give restaurant staff a surprise. Call a restaurant and claim that you’re trapped in one of their bathrooms. Express your fear for added effect and mention that you might scream if they don’t come quickly. Then, enjoy a good laugh as you wait to see how long it takes for them to catch on. There is no restaurant in the world that will ignore this call.

17. The Sound of Music

You can call a random person and play music, just like in deep breathing. It will be a fun way to pull a good prank. This simple prank involves dialing a random number and playing music through your speaker without saying anything. The person on the phone will most likely become annoyed and hang up, but who knows, they might like the song, and you might make a new friend.

16. The Duo Joke

This particular prank can be executed either with two people working together or by taking turns in hourly segments. Call someone and tell them you found their number in an ad for free underwear (or your choice of random object), and when they tell you they aren’t, apologize and hang up. This prank call can be repeated all day in various accents, but bonus points if you get a friend to call as well! Make sure you have called someone who is usually nervous and easily irritated; it will be even more amusing.

15. I See You!

For this one, find someone close to you. Call them and tell them you saw them walking around the mall or grocery store and that you called out to them, but they didn’t see you. Make it clear that you saw them! You get extra points if you recognize what they were wearing or doing. This prank will undoubtedly creep some people out, so choose someone who will not be too alarmed. Just make sure to reveal the prank after a short while to avoid any lasting unease.

14. I Accuse You

Call anyone and accuse them of having slept with your significant other. This prank should be played on someone you know will not be offended! Make up a name for someone you’re seeing and accuse someone (with whom you’re not particularly close) of having a rendezvous with your partner! Just be sure to reveal the prank promptly and choose someone who will find the humor in the situation without any lasting concerns.

13. I Know What You Did

This could be one of the hilarious hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends and tell them vaguely that you know what they did. Don’t tell them what they did because they might confess to something completely unrelated! If they refuse to budge, have your friends call that same person and say the same things! Just make sure everyone’s in on the joke to avoid any unintended confusion.

12. Snubbed Lover

Begin the conversation by calling your friend to express your feelings and share how much you miss them, and if they inquire about the caller’s identity. Call your friend to express your feelings and express how much you miss them. If they ask for the caller’s name, you can respond with a lighthearted question about how frequently they get such loving calls. This may perplex them, but you can keep the conversation light and friendly while maintaining the lighthearted atmosphere.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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11. It’s Been a Long Time!

Before making the call, test yourself by recalling a random number and the name of the person you’re calling. Try to remember a random number and the name of the person you’re calling. If you can, call the number and tell them you just found their number and wanted to check in to see how they’re doing. Tell them you want to catch up soon and see if they’ll play along. This funny dirty thing to say in a prank call could cause a little confusion. Thus, if they ask your questions to figure out who you are, give them some really elaborate, maybe even wild, details about how you two met.

10. A Survey at Random

Simply calling someone and informing them that you’re conducting a survey in your community will allow you to use your improv skills. Simply call someone and tell them you’re conducting a survey in your community. Pose a slew of random questions to them, such as “When was the last time you flushed your toilet?” and “Who is your most streamed artist?” Make sure there is no correlation between any of the questions, or they will wonder what the survey is for. Now, you can tell your friend that it is just one of the most comical hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends.

9. Adoration From Fans

Begin the call with a burst of enthusiasm, pretending to be a friend’s most ardent fan, ready to lavish them with over-the-top praise for their ‘accomplishments.’ Call a friend and act as if you are their biggest fan, gushing over all their ‘accomplishments’ in the most ridiculous and over-the-top way possible. Praise them for simple acts, transforming them into epic triumphs, and you will get one of the wittiest hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends.

8. Invitation to a Secret Society

Tell your friend a detailed story about how you are a member of a fictitious secret society that is inviting them to join. Describe the amusing initiation procedures and secret knowledge they will gain as members of this bizarre organization. The secret society operated in the shadows, organizing covert meetings and activities to wield power over powerful institutions, so you’ll be even more convincing if you portray it as a secret between you two.

7. Your Task Has Been Completed

You’ve seen the movie Because I know what you did last summer, this prank may be familiar to you. If you want to use one of the most hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends, this is one of the best ideas. Call your friend and say quietly, “Job is done.” “The body, as well as all evidence, has been destroyed.” This is a hilarious prank that will give your friend goosebumps!

6. Why are You Calling My Girlfriend?

Jealousy, with its green-eyed grip, frequently arises from a hidden desire for something or somebody. However, it can be used for prank calls. This is yet another unique and amusing prank call. You must be a man for this, and the person you are calling must also be a man. “Why have you been calling my girlfriend?” say to the person. When the person responds, “What are you saying?” Say, for example, “I have seen 14 missed calls from your number on her phone!”! You can continue to irritate the person by repeating the entire procedure!

5. Have You Requested Dancers?

People usually hire dancers for a variety of events and occasions, such as private parties, nightclubs, beach resorts, or special gatherings. It could be a subject of a prank call, too. Call a friend and mask your voice. Ask him and tell him you want to confirm their details for a bachelor party dancer order. This prank has previously occurred when a guy called his friend, and the call left him confused and devastated! On that way, you will make one of the hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends successfully.

4. I’m Looking for Advice

Consider a health issue that is both amusing and uncomfortable to discuss. Call the person and ask for some health advice. Inform them that you are unsure what to do and that you require assistance. The victim may appear uneasy, but they may want to hear what you have to say as well! You can also tell the person that you are having relationship problems and then add drama to make it sound funnier.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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3. Hushed Voice

Fear of people mumbling on the phone may stem from the ambiguity and lack of clarity in their speech, which can cause anxiety and discomfort. It could be a great prank call if you plan it carefully and make it funny. To make one of the most interesting and hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends, you should fill your mouth with food before dialing a number. You can also muffle your voice by stuffing your mouth with a cloth. The person will try to listen to whatever you are saying before hanging up!

2. Surprise Date Night

Call a friend you’re not particularly close with and enthusiastically tell them you can’t wait to see them for a date night tonight. Share a few details about what you’re planning to wear, and make sure to sound excited. Don’t give them a chance to ask questions. If you can arrange a meeting place, it’ll be the perfect finishing touch. Of course, do not leave the person convinced that he will have a meeting; instead, tell him at the end of the call that you have pranked him.

30 Hilarious Classic prank call jokes for friends

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1. I’d like to meet up with you

In this prank call scenario, dial up someone you’re familiar with, but skip the whole introduction bit. In fact, pretend to be a complete stranger who’s pretending to fall head over heels for the person you’re calling. Be compelling yet mysterious, and for added effect, it’s ideal if you take on the persona of a girl. This way, your friend will practically lose their mind when they discover someone is professing love for them. Throw in some suggestive details, like expressing the desire to feel their hands or picturing their lips on your neck. And, of course, alter your voice for one of the best hilarious classic prank call jokes for friends.

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