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30 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs for 18 Year Olds

In this article, we will look at the 30 highest paying part-time jobs for 18 year olds. We have also discussed the latest developments around employment in US. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 10 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs for 18 Year Olds.

The Biden administration’s recent change to the Fair Labor Standards Act, set to take effect on March 11, has sparked concerns over its impact on the freelance economy. Approximately 60% of today’s teenagers express a desire to start their own businesses, contributing to the entrepreneurial environment for the economy. However, the new rule aims to restrict freelancers, potentially jeopardizing 58% of all app-based jobs, as highlighted by a Massachusetts study.

In 2021, Upwork Inc (NASDAQ:UPWK) reported that 59 million Americans, making up 36% of the workforce, identify as freelancers, contributing around $1.27 trillion to the US economy annually. The administration’s decision has prompted a court challenge and draws parallels to California’s unsuccessful attempt, which resulted in job losses and business closures. Advocates argue for the implementation of Benefit Savings Accounts to support freelancers, allowing companies to extend benefits and preserving the flexibility valued by the majority of freelancers.

Speaking of the popularity and rise of freelancing, Collective, the all-in-one online back-office platform, has released findings from its Unconventional Jobs Survey. They found major generational differences in career perspectives. The survey revealed that 59% of Gen Z and young Millennials (18-34 years old) have a backup plan for employment in case of layoffs, compared to only 30% of those aged 35 and above. 

Speaking of layoffs, eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) has announced plans to cut approximately 1,000 jobs, representing about 9% of its current workforce. As the e-commerce giant addresses challenges related to the growth of its business, the CEO stated that the overall headcount and expenses have outpaced business growth and these organizational changes aim to align and consolidate certain teams to enhance the end-to-end customer experience globally. Additionally, eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) will scale back contracts within its alternative workforce in the coming months. This decision follows a trend of US tech layoffs post-pandemic, as other industry giants, such as, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), have also undergone workforce adjustments. Last February, eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) had previously announced plans to lay off 500 employees globally, constituting 4% of its total workforce.

On the financial end, eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) reported excellent financial results for Q3 2023, with a 5% YoY increase in revenue to $2.5 billion and a 2% YoY growth in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) to $18.0 billion. The company’s initiatives like the successful expansion of the eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY)’s Guaranteed Fit program, introduction of new consignment services, and innovations like generative AI (GenAI) features, have contributed to these positive outcomes. Notably, eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) first-party advertising products, driven by Promoted Listings, generated $345 million in Q3, reflecting a 39% YoY increase. 

The survey also highlighted that 64% of the younger demographic either freelances or plans to do so, while only 31% of the older group anticipates freelancing. Notably, 38% of under-35s consider a successful career as having enough money to support their lifestyle without working 40+ hours weekly. The data also shows that 38% of younger individuals already participate in freelance work, compared to 16% of the older cohort.

Moreover, as the freelance economy matures, the complexity and scale of projects facilitated through freelance platforms have also expanded. High-skilled freelancers, specializing in areas like software development, data science, consulting, and web design, are in high demand, contributing to the growth of the market. This also explains why data science is one of the most in-demands jobs for the future

Fiverr International Ltd (NYSE:FVRR) and Upwork Inc (NASDAQ:UPWK) are considered key players in the freelancing industry.

Fiverr International Ltd (NYSE:FVRR), with over 4.3 million active buyers across 160+ countries, has a global reach that provides freelancers access to a huge clientele. The simplicity of the platform makes it highly user-friendly and hence, allows freelancers to set up profiles easily and also secure gigs quickly, often within a week. However, Fiverr International Ltd (NYSE:FVRR) charges a flat 20% commission on all projects, which can be beneficial for shorter-term tasks but might incentivize exploring other platforms for long-term projects. It primarily attracts smaller business owners and individuals looking for specific, one-off projects, with an average client budget of approximately $262.

Our Methodology

To list the highest paying part-time jobs for 18 year olds, we looked at jobs with three features. Firstly, we identified jobs with flexible hours. Secondly, we jotted down jobs that offered some level of skill development for individuals as young as 18. Thirdly, we selected jobs which did not require a prior experience in the field to pursue the respective jobs. We shortlisted 50 such jobs with these three features. Then, out of the 50, we selected 30 highest paying ones. The list is presented in ascending order of average salaries. We acquired data on average salaries from and BLS

Here is a list of  30 highest paying part-time jobs for 18 year olds.

30. Medical Records Specialist

Average Salary: $17.06/hr

With a median pay of $16.70 per hour and no prior work experience or on-the-job training required, it accommodates students with a postsecondary nondegree award.

29. Landscape Technician

Average Salary: $18.04/hr 

As of 2014, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that most landscape technicians hadn’t progressed beyond high school. While employers offer on-the-job training, prior experience or knowledge is often preferred. It is one of the best paying jobs for 18 year olds with high school diploma

28. Data Entry Operator

Average Salary: $18.17

Data Entry operators are primarily employed in the Employment Services industry with 22,080 jobs, constituting 0.56% of the sector in the US. Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, and Web Hosting follow with 9,240 positions, accounting for 2.03%. The highest hourly mean wage is in Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds at $20.21. 

27. Social Media Marketing Assistant

Average Salary: $18.28

Del Sur Taqueria and Cantina and UC Riverside are top employers for Social Media Marketing Assistants in the US. Both have strong employee ratings, with Del Sur offering a competitive monthly salary range of $3,000 to $4,000 on a full-time basis. 

26. Resume Screener

Average Salary: $18.35/hr

A part-time job as a resume screener is great for 18 year olds especially if they are students. It has flexible hours, so one can easily balance work with studies. This job also gives one a peek into how hiring works, helping them understand the job market better

25. Delivery Driver

Average Salary: $18.59/hr

Becoming a delivery driver is an excellent job for 18-year-olds in the U.S. It offers flexibility, allowing individuals to balance work with other commitments like school or social activities. Two major companies providing opportunities for young drivers are DoorDash and Instacart. 

24. Research Assistant

Average Salary: $18.82/hr

A part-time job as a research assistant would allow students to explore their academic interests, build research skills, and connect with professors, creating a well-rounded educational experience while earning income to ease the financial burden of college life, if any. 

23. Dropshipper

Average Salary: $19

Dropshipping presents a lucrative part-time job for college students. Requiring minimal investment, it offers flexibility and entrepreneurial exposure. It is one of the best part-time businesses/jobs for college students with no experience

22. Virtual Assistant

Average Salary: $19.36/hr

Time Etc and Belay are two major companies in the US that hire virtual assistants with lucrative salaries. It is one of the best jobs for 18 year olds with no experience.

21. Construction Worker

Average Salary: $19.42

Working as a part-time construction worker at 18 in the US offers a number of benefits. Firstly, it provides hands-on experience, fostering practical skills and a strong work ethic. Secondly, the job cultivates teamwork and communication skills which is crucial in any profession. 

20. Brand Ambassador

Average Salary: $19.90/hr

Two well-known companies that often hire brand ambassadors which often include individuals around 18 years old, are Red Bull and Nike. These companies frequently look for energetic and passionate individuals to represent their brands at events while engaging with the community.

19. Apprentice Electrician

Average Salary: $20.77/hr

Electrician apprentices need strong troubleshooting abilities, adeptness in mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry), physical fitness for manual labor, and effective communication skills for collaboration with tradespeople and ensuring safety. It is one of the  highest paying jobs at 18.

18. Child Care Worker

Average Salary: $21.12/hr

Typically, a high school diploma or equivalent is the entry-level education requirement, with no related work experience necessary. Short-term on-the-job training is common. However, the job outlook from 2022 to 2032 indicates a 2% decline, leading to an estimated reduction of 18,500 jobs. As of 2022, there were 945,900 childcare worker positions in the US.

17. Social Media Influencer

Average Salary: $21.95/hr

Becoming a social media influencer offers an opportunity to leverage your interests and passions to build a personal brand. If you’re knowledgeable and passionate about a niche, you can attract a dedicated following. Moreover, it provides a platform to showcase your creativity, whether through content creation, photography, or other skills. It is one of the highest paying jobs for a teenager

16. Voice-over Artist

Average Salary: $22.66/hr

To become a voice-over artist, one has to start by honing skills through online courses that teach voice techniques and home recording setup. Then one needs to Invest in a quality microphone and software for a home studio. One can then create profiles on freelancing platforms like Fiverr International Ltd (NYSE:FVRR) and Upwork Inc (NASDAQ:UPWK), and get hired!

15. Junior Bookkeeper

Average Salary: $22.81/hr

Bookkeeping allows one to manage business financial records remotely, with excellent flexibility and work-life balance. With the right skills and tools, one can provide valuable services while also maintaining the comfort of home. It was one of the best work-from-home jobs in 2023

14. Proofreader

Average Salary: $23.45/hr

It’s a mentally engaging but low-stress job. This job does not have any pressure associated with demanding careers. Hence, it is one of the best jobs for 18 year olds that pay well.

13. Solar Photovoltaic Installer

Average Salary: $23.61/hr

Solar photovoltaic installers assemble and set up solar panel systems on rooftops or at ground-level sites. While it is one of the best jobs to have after high school, it is also one of the most in-demand jobs for the future. It is also one of the jobs that pay the most at 19

12. Event planner

Average salary: $23.79/hr

Event planners are often observed to be satisfied with their jobs as they thrive on the excitement of planning and executing successful events and seeing their vision come to life. It is one of the happiest jobs in the world if you’re extroverted.

11. Swim Instructor

Average Salary: $24.07/hr

Swim instructor jobs in the USA can be found in different settings like public and private pools, fitness centers, schools, and community organizations. Metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles, Miami, and New York, tend to have a higher concentration of swim instructor positions. 

Click here to see the 10 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs for 18 Year Olds.

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Disclosure: None. 30 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs for 18 Year Olds is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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