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30 Countries with the Lowest Depression Rates

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 30 countries with the lowest depression rates. If you do not want to learn about the global depression treatment market, head straight to the 5 Countries with the Lowest Depression Rates.

In countries with the lowest depression rates, individuals experience lower prevalence rates of depression, suggesting a combination of effective support systems, accessible mental health services, and cultural norms that prioritize emotional well-being. Understanding the strategies employed by these countries can provide valuable lessons for policymakers and healthcare professionals worldwide aiming to mitigate the burden of depression within their own populations. 

Overview of the Global Depression Treatment Market 

The global depression treatment market has witnessed significant growth, with projections indicating substantial expansion in the coming years. In 2022, the market was valued at over USD 10.1 billion and is expected to reach USD 16.8 billion by 2032, representing a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.2%. Major depression episodes are prevalent worldwide, contributing significantly to the market’s growth, with major depression holding a revenue share of 53.5% in 2021. The USA Department of Health and Human Services reported that in 2020, around 17% of adolescents aged 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode, highlighting the substantial impact of depression on the population. 

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 5% of individuals worldwide suffer from some form of depression, making it one of the most common disabilities globally. Rising mental health awareness and government initiatives are expected to drive market growth as access to mental health services improves globally. 

Various factors contribute to depression in the US, including stressful situations, loneliness, alcoholism, drug misuse, family history, traumatic childhood experiences, and more. Lack of access to mental health services is a significant issue in low- and middle-income countries, with around 75% of the population lacking access to such services. 

The North American region emerged as a significant market for depression treatment in 2022, with a market revenue share of 44.11%. Asia Pacific is expected to be a rapidly growing region for depression treatment due to increased healthcare infrastructure spending and the rising prevalence of depression among young adults. Major depression accounted for around 42% of the market share in 2022, making it one of the dominant segments in the industry. Antidepressants were the leading segment in terms of products, accounting for over 99.4% of the demand share in 2021. 

Navigating the Depths: Understanding Depression and Its Economic Impact 

Depression, a silent yet pervasive affliction, casts a shadow over millions worldwide, with estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggesting a staggering 280 million individuals grapple with its grip. This mental health challenge strikes women disproportionately, amplifying its toll. However, beyond its human toll, depression reverberates in economic corridors, with the economic burden of major depressive disorder (MDD) alone surpassing a staggering $362 billion in 2020, a 37.9% surge from the previous decade. 

Surprisingly, within this landscape, the Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) market, albeit modest, emerges as a promising frontier, projected to burgeon at 11.2% annually, reaching $3.1 billion by 2030. This unconventional treatment avenue, embraced for its efficacy, holds promise, particularly as reports attest to response rates as high as 90% in cases of MDD. 

However, the numbers also tell a sad story about how some groups are more likely to feel sad. A recent survey by the U.S. Census Bureau found that young adults in the LGBT community often feel more depressed than others their age. Concurrently, the rising tide of antidepressant usage in the U.S. underscores a growing reliance on pharmacotherapy, with Sertraline (Zoloft) reigning as the most prescribed psychiatric medication in 2020. 

However, beyond the sheer prescription volumes lies a complex interplay between medication efficacy, patient adherence, and holistic treatment approaches. As antidepressants remain a cornerstone in mental health management, their evolving landscape necessitates continued vigilance and collaboration between healthcare professionals and patients, signaling a collective effort in navigating the depths of depression and fostering resilience in its wake. 

Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXSM) pioneers innovative therapies for depression and mental health disorders, notably with AXS-05, a promising treatment combining dextromethorphan and bupropion. Their focus on precision medicine and personalized approaches aligns with current mental health trends, aiming for better outcomes. The Q4 2023 financial report highlights significant growth, with $204.9 million in total net product revenue and robust sales for Auvelity and Sunosi. Despite a net loss of $239.2 million, Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXSM) emphasizes successful commercial execution, with over 100,000 patients prescribed their medications in 2023. Looking ahead, Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXSM) Therapeutics anticipates NDA submissions for AXS-14 in fibromyalgia and AXS-07 in migraine in the first half of 2024. 

VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VTGN) is a leading biopharmaceutical company focused on revolutionizing depression treatment and mental health care. Their flagship product, Fasedienol, has shown promise in treating anxiety disorders, particularly social anxiety disorder (SAD), through its PALISADE Phase 3 Program. VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VTGN)’s pipeline includes innovative therapies like Itruvone for major depressive disorder and PH80 targeting women’s health issues. Looking ahead, VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VTGN) plans to initiate potential Phase 3 studies for Fasedienol in 2024 and potential Phase 2B clinical development for Itruvone in the second half of 2024. Financially, the company reported decreased research and development expenses, increased general and administrative expenses, an improved net loss, and a strong cash position of $126.6 million as of December 31, 2023. 

Africa Studio/

Our Methodology 

For our methodology, we have ranked the countries with the lowest depression rates based on their current total depression cases. For the accuracy of data, we relied on WHO.  

Here is our list of the 30 countries with the lowest depression rates.

30. Cyprus 

Total Depression Cases: 42,662 

Cyprus faces high depression rates. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 17.2% of the population experienced mental disorders, with anxiety affecting 7.2% and depression 3.8%. Chronic depression rates were 5.8% in women and 3.4% in men. Women generally experienced higher rates of depression compared to men. Lower-income individuals are at higher risk, with university students showing concerning levels of depressive symptoms, reaching 71.2%

29. Equatorial Guinea 

Total Depression Cases: 34,909 

Equatorial stands among the countries with the lowest depression rates. Depression affects 4.63% of the population, with both genders affected. The Depressive Disorders market is projected to grow marginally by -0.74% from 2024 to 2028, reaching US$1.99 million in 2028, highlighting economic hurdles in addressing mental health. 

28. Timor Leste 

Total Depression Cases: 33,932 

In Timor-Leste, depression emerges as a prevalent issue affecting a considerable portion of the population. Preliminary data from 2020 reveals alarming percentages of patients presenting with schizophrenia (29%), depression (18%), and suicidal tendencies (18%). Financially, the Depressive Disorders market is projected to grow by 1.03% from 2024 to 2028, reaching a market volume of US$251.00k in 2028, reflecting economic implications within 

27. Comoros 

Total Depression Cases: 33,769 

Comoros has high depression rates impacting both men and women. Gender disparities may exist in depression rates. Additionally, the nation faces a range of mental health issues beyond depression, reflecting the depth and complexity of the challenge. 

26. Guyana  

Total Depression Cases: 33,700 

In Guyana, mental health poses a significant public health challenge, with high rates of depression and other issues impacting the population. Mental, neurological, substance use disorders, and suicide (MNSS) account for 16% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and 33% of all years lived with disability (YLDs). Substance use disorders contribute 18% to the mental health burden, with alcohol-related issues comprising 14% of this category.  

25. Bhutan  

Total Depression Cases: 30,947 

In Bhutan, famed for its focus on Gross National Happiness, COVID-19 has prevalent depression and anxiety, making Bhutan stand among the countries with the lowest depression rates. Rates surged from 9 to 32 per 10,000 between 2011 and 2021, with women disproportionately affected. Depression among those with chronic illnesses peaked at 41%. Financially, depression rose from 6.0 to 10.4 per 10,000 between 2017 and 2019, with a high burden of mental health disorders and suicide, around 32.50%. Urgent interventions and investments in mental health services are vital. 

24. Fiji  

Total Depression Cases: 30,586 

In Fiji, depression is a significant concern, affecting over 30,000 people. Events like Tropical Cyclone Winston have increased vulnerability to depression. Females are more affected, with anxiety and depression rates at 45% and 49%, respectively. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened mental health challenges due to increased stress and limited access to care. Financially, the market volume for Depressive Disorders is projected to reach US$0.69 million by 2028, emphasizing the need for urgent comprehensive strategies to address mental health issues effectively.  

23. Montenegro 

Total Depression Cases: 28,627 

Montenegro faces significant challenges with depression and suicide, influenced by socioeconomic factors. Economic instability contributes to higher suicide rates, especially among males. The Depressive Disorders market is projected to grow by 1.33%, reaching US$1.55 million in 2028. Fluctuating poverty rates from 4.9% to 8.6% between 2008 and 2013 are associated with mental health issues. 

22. Luxembourg 

Total Depression Cases: 26,350 

Luxembourg stands among the countries with the lowest depression rates, with rates reaching 21.55%, among the highest in the EU. Women experience higher rates compared to men. Mental health issues affect around 16.5% of young people, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders. 

21. Suriname  

Total Depression Cases: 29,914 

Suriname faces significant mental health challenges, with depression being one of them. Self-harm and somatic symptom disorder contribute to 54% of the burden, with gender differences showing men are more affected by suicide and alcohol use, while women suffer more from depressive disorders and anxiety. Around 19.5% of the population experiences mental distress. Suriname is ethnically diverse, with Hindustani individuals comprising 62% of suicides. 

20. Cape Verde 

Total Depression Cases: 24,240 

Cape Verde has a depression rate of 4.9%, affecting around 24,240 individuals. Anxiety disorders affect about 3.1% of the population. Limited resources and trained professionals pose challenges in addressing mental health issues like depression.  

19. Malta  

Total Depression Cases: 20,049 

In Malta, around 120,000 people are estimated to have a mental disorder. The country sees approximately 150 deaths annually due to mental disorders, including 2-3 suicides per month. Chronic depression rates were 3.5% in 2019, higher among women. During the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety and depression levels were generally mild among adults, but there were notable effects on behavior linked to changes in physical activity and body weight. 

18. Bahamas  

Total Depression Cases: 19,138 

The Bahamas grapples with significant mental health challenges, with depression and other disorders affecting the population. Mental health issues contribute to 15% of disability-adjusted life years and 32% of years lived with disability. Men are mainly affected by alcohol use disorders and Alzheimer’s, while women experience more headaches, depression, and anxiety disorders, showing gender disparities. The suicide mortality rate is 3,630.21 per 100,000 population.   

17. Solomon Islands 

Total Depression Cases: 16,535 

The Solomon Islands, known for its marine life, has a depression rate of 15.3%. High rates of domestic abuse and legal restrictions on non-straight individuals contribute to depression and suicide. Only 1.4% of the health budget is allocated to mental health services. 

16. Belize 

Total Depression Cases: 14,956 

To address high depression rates in Belize, understanding the mental health landscape is crucial. The Depressive Disorders market is projected to grow by 1.80%, reaching US$0.58 million by 2028. Healthcare workers in Belize show significant burnout levels, linked to anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. Adolescents face mental health challenges, with homicides and suicides as leading causes of death. Approximately 20% of Belize’s population falls into the adolescent age group, underscoring the need for mental health services. 

15. Barbados 

Total Depression Cases: 14,586 

Barbados faces significant mental health challenges, with around 22,000 seeking help through outpatient facilities. Stigma, influenced by cultural factors, often results in untreated conditions. Collaborative efforts are crucial for effective solutions. 

14. Maldives 

Total Depression Cases: 12,739 

The Maldives faces significant mental health challenges, with over 29.1% reporting conditions like anxiety and depression. Alarming rates of depression (65%), anxiety (73%), and stress (59.9%) were found among university students. Male high school students have a higher depression rate (57.7%) compared to females (42.3%). COVID-19 has led to emotional distress, with 9% experiencing depression, 23% anxiety, and 12% stress.  

13. Iceland 

Total Depression Cases: 12,533 

In Iceland, almost one in ten people suffer from depression, particularly young women aged 15-24. Severe depressive symptoms affect over 4% of the population, the second-highest in Europe. Iceland also has the highest antidepressant consumption rate in Europe, indicating heavy reliance on medication for mental health issues. 

12. Saint Lucia 

Total Depression Cases: 8,892 

Saint Lucia, a Caribbean island nation, grapples with significant mental health challenges, as highlighted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Mental, neurological, substance use disorders and suicide collectively contribute to a substantial burden, constituting 18% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and 32% of all years lived with disability (YLDs).  

11. Vanuatu  

Total Depression Cases: 7,917 

Vanuatu, with a population of about 220,000, stands among the countries with the lowest depression rates Around 13% of adults are affected by mental health disorders, with 3% experiencing severe conditions. Recent surveys reveal alarming misconceptions about mental illness, with 45% attributing it to sin, 34% to demon possession, and 38% to curses.  

10. Gabon 

Total Depression Cases: 7,303 

Gabon faces significant challenges with depression, with a rate of 5.12%, translating to approximately 13.1 individuals per 100,000 population suffering from depression, marking a 55.95% increase from 2019. The Depressive Disorders market in Gabon is projected to grow by 2.48% from 2024 to 2028, reaching a market volume of US$3.86 million.  

9. Sao Tome and Principe  

Total Depression Cases: 7,270 

Sao Tome and Principe, with a depression rate of 3.9%, face significant mental health challenges affecting approximately 7,270 individuals. Beyond depression, the country struggles with a notable burden of mental disorders, including a suicide mortality rate of 0.51 per 100,000 population. Around 6.13% of the government health expenditure is allocated to mental health services. 

8. Samoa 

Total Depression Cases: 5,803 

Samoa has made strides in addressing mental health despite challenges like poverty and historical stigmas. While depression rates are relatively low, efforts have been made to improve mental health services. Poverty exacerbates mental health issues in the country, but initiatives like those by IFAD aim to alleviate poverty and enhance well-being.

7. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Total Depression Cases: 5,144 

Saint Vincent has a high prevalence of depression among students, with 55.4% reporting depressive symptoms. Mental, neurological, substance use disorders and suicide collectively contribute to a substantial burden, accounting for 15% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and 32% of all years lived with disability (YLDs). 

6. Grenada 

Total Depression Cases: 4,848 

Grenada faces significant mental health challenges, with 3.68% of the population experiencing depression. Non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Grenada.  

Click to see and continue reading the 5 Countries with the Lowest Depression Rates.

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Disclosure. None: The 30 Countries with the Lowest Depression Rates is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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