30 Countries Most Impacted by Terrorism in the World

2. Burkina Faso

The name of this country appears on the first on the list when searching for the answer which country has the highest rate of terrorism in Africa. Burkina Faso is on high position of the countries most impacted by terrorism in the world. Terrorist groups remain active in their planning of attacks in this country, and these attacks can occur virtually anywhere with minimal or no advance warning. Potential targets encompass a broad range, including hotels, restaurants, police stations, customs offices, areas adjacent to mining sites, places of worship, military posts, and schools. The Government of Burkina Faso has upheld a state of emergency in several areas, including the entire East and Sahel regions, the provinces of Kossi and Sourou in the Boucle de Mouhoun region, the province of Kenedougou in the Hauts Bassins region, the province of Loroum in the North region, and the province of Koulpelogo in the Center-East region.