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30 Cheapest Places To Visit In The World

In this article, we will list the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world. If you want to skip our discussion about the tourism industry, head over to the 11 Cheapest Places to Visit in the World

The global tourism market is expected to grow at a healthy compounding annual growth rate of 5% for the ongoing forecast period of 2022 to 2032. It was valued at $10.5 trillion in 2022 and is expected to reach $17.1 trillion by 2032. One of the major drivers of growth for the tourism industry is the exploration of newer places.

While the US and European countries are traditionally the most popular tourist destinations, lesser-known African, Asian, and South American countries have recently emerged as places with great tourism potential. These places are also budget-friendly, as you will find most of them on our list of the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world. In addition, new trends such as adventure tourism and art tourism are also boosting the market growth. 

The adoption of tourism websites throughout the world is also becoming a commonplace trend. With a plethora of online resources available, people are finding it easier to travel. In addition, Asia, Africa, and South America are finding a huge boost in their cultural and pilgrimage tourism sectors. 

At the same time, tourism is likely to be negatively affected by geopolitical tensions and diseases. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict can have geopolitical effects on other countries too. Similarly, the advent of Covid 19 had previously negatively affected tourism. Diseases such as SARS, EBOLA, and COVID-19 can also negatively affect the tourism industry. 

Despite the rise of newer locations for travel and tourism, the United States remains one of the major players in the market. The country is one of the most popular tourist destinations, and Americans are among the top spenders in the tourism industry. In December 2023, foreign visitors spent $19.5 billion in the United States. This figure was a 22% increase from December 2022 and was the highest level of monthly spending since December 2019, just before the Covid lockdowns. 

Americans also contribute significantly to the tourism industry around the world. US citizens traveling internationally spent a total of $18.9 billion in December 2023. However, it is worth noting that the United States tourism industry was still at a trade surplus of $544 million in December 2023. This was the sixth consecutive month that the United States maintained a trade surplus in the tourism industry. 

The tourism industry is complemented by the global tourism insurance industry, the market of which is growing rapidly. The global tourism insurance market is expected to achieve a CAGR of 15.4% during the forecast period of 2021 to 2030. It was valued at $17.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $63.9 billion in 2030. Some of the best companies in travel insurance include Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) and Sun Life Financial, Inc. (NYSE:SLF)

Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) is one of the top financial services companies. It operates in the general and travel insurance sectors of the industry. Recently, Chubb Limited (NYSE:CB) announced the launch of a new developer portal that will offer B2B2C partners access to digital insurance products and services.

Sun Life Financial, Inc. (NYSE:SLF) is part of our 15 best travel insurance companies list. It is one of the leading financial services companies, specializing in insurance, investment, financial advice, and asset management. Sun Life Financial, Inc. (NYSE:SLF) is ranked among the best travel insurance companies and has business all over the world. 

With that backdrop, let’s look at the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world

Leonid Andronov/


To curate our list of the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world, we started off by making a list of budget-friendly countries. Then, for each country, we noted its busiest airports since flights to these airports would be the cheapest. Then, we checked the cheapest return fares from John F Kennedy Airport (one of the busiest airports in the US) to the busiest airports in the countries using Google Flights. For our research, we assumed that it would be a one-week trip for two people. Then, for each country, we checked the Budget Your Trip website for an average cost of a one-week vacation for two people, including hotel accommodation and travel within the country. Finally, we totaled all the costs and selected the 30 cheapest destinations. 

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30 – Malaysia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $2802

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1136

Total Cost for 2 People – $3218

Malaysia is 30th on our list of the cheapest places to visit in the world. Some of the popular places to see in the country are the iconic Petronas Twiin Tower and Baltu caves in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, you can marvel at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of George Town. 

29 – South Africa

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1992

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1219

Total Cost for 2 People – $3211

South Africa is one of the most budget-friendly places to travel to. It offers a unique mix of historical landmarks, such as Constitution Hill and Mandela Square, and panoramic views offered by Table Mountain. 

28 – Uruguay

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1982

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1112

Total Cost for 2 People – $3094

Uruguay is 27th on our list of the cheapest places to visit in the world. Its capital city, Montevideo, is known for its blend of modernity and historical charm, offering affordable living costs and cultural experiences. 

27 – Nepal

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $2550

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $527

Total Cost for 2 People – $3077

Apart from being one of the most budget-friendly places, Nepal is also quite unique. The country is famous for its trekking routes, including the Annapurna Circuit Trek and the Everest Base Camp Trek. 

26 – Sri Lanka

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $2326

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $685

Total Cost for 2 People – $3011

Sri Lanka offers a variety of experiences to travelers on a budget. On average, you can expect to spend $44 on transportation, food, and activities per day. The country offers hiking treks Temples and Monasteries. 

25 – Mexico

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1092

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1786

Total Cost for 2 People – $2878

Mexico is 25th on our list of the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world. It caters to people of various tastes and interests, including museums, clubs and bars, and beaches. 

24 – Czech Republic

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1274

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1547

Total Cost for 2 People – $2821

The Czech Republic is one of the most budget-friendly places in Europe. Its capital, Prague, is famous for its historic sites and picturesque landscapes. In addition, the country offers a multitude of cultural experiences such as theater opera, and concerts. 

23 – Latvia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1070

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1715

Total Cost for 2 People – $2785

Latvia is known for its beer gardens where travelers can indulge in traditional Latvian beer at affordable prices. The country offers a host of affordable attractions such as medieval castles and beaches. 

22 – North Macedonia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1324

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1400

Total Cost for 2 People – $2724

North Macedonia is one of the most underrated and budget-friendly travel destinations. Its Matka Canyon offers breathtaking scenery and opportunities for hiking and picnicking. 

21 – Brazil

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1500

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1220

Total Cost for 2 People – $2720

Brazil is 21st on our list of the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world. It offers a wide range of budget-friendly activities and experiences, such as Iguazu Falls and Christ the Redeemer statue atop Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro.

20 – Indonesia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1822

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $836

Total Cost for 2 People – $2658

Indonesia is one of the cheapest places to visit. Despite the excessive return airfare charges, the cheap local prices make it extremely easy on the pocket. The country is home to some of the best public and cultural parks in the world. Its city Bali is a popular tourist attraction and houses the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary and the Tegalalang Rice Terrace. 

19 – Croatia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1160

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1468

Total Cost for 2 People – $2628

Croatia offers a host of activities and experiences on a limited budget. Some of these activities, such as hiking the Marjan hill, can be done without any cost. 

18 – Estonia

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1070

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1538

Total Cost for 2 People – $2608

Estonia is 18th on our list of the cheapest places to visit in the world. A mid-range budget for the trip to Estonia can cost €50 to €75 per day for one person. 

17 – Philippines

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1604

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $944

Total Cost for 2 People – $2548

The Philippines is a popular tourist destination and one of the cheapest places to visit in the world. The country is home to some of the most beautiful beaches and has diverse islands. 

16 – Costa Rica

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $866

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1643

Total Cost for 2 People – $2509

Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse places in the world. Despite covering only 0.03% of the globe, Costa Rica boasts 5% of the world’s biodiversity and dedicates 26% of its land to conservation and protected areas.

15 – Albania

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1400

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1090

Total Cost for 2 People – $2490

Albania is 15th on our list of the 30 cheapest places to visit in the world. It is a heaven for mountain lovers as about three-fourths of Albania’s territory consists of mountains and hills with elevations of more than 650 feet above sea level.

14 – India

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1932

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $552

Total Cost for 2 People – $2484

India is one of the cheapest places to visit in the world. The exorbitant price of airfare is offset by the extremely low local prices. The country is home to some of the world’s most iconic sites such as the Taj Mahal. 

13 – Lithuania

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1072

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1388

Total Cost for 2 People – $2460

Lithuania is 13th on our list of the cheapest places to visit in the world. The Old Town of Vilnius is renowned for its cobbled streets and Baroque architecture. 

12 – Hungary

Cheapest Return Airfare for 2 People – $1238

Average Cost of One Week Trip for 2 People – $1185

Total Cost for 2 People – $2423

Hungary is 12th on our list of the cheapest places to visit in the world. It offers a wealth of travel-friendly experiences for those seeking adventure, culture, and relaxation. The country houses UNESCO World Heritage sites of Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest. In addition, it is known for its thermal baths. 

Click to continue reading and see 11 Cheapest Places To Visit In The World.

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Disclosure: none. 30 Cheapest Places To Visit In The World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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