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30 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely

In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the 30 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely. For a quick overview of the top 10 cities, read our article 10 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely.

The past decade has seen a significant shift in the professional landscape as technology has allowed us to break free from the limits of traditional offices. This remote working revolution, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led many to rethink not only how they work, but also where they live.

During the height of the pandemic, about 71% of the American workforce was working from home. A 2020 Upwork survey forecasted that by 2025, 22% of the American workforce would be remote, an increase of 87% from the pre-pandemic period.

This trend towards remote work is a global phenomenon. Research indicates that almost half of all employed EU citizens would like to work from home after the pandemic, a significant increase from pre-pandemic.

Remote workers are also actively seeking improved quality of life through their choice of location. Digital nomads —those who choose to embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle that allows them to travel and work remotely —  increased from 10.2 million in 2021 to 11.1 million in 2022 in the US alone.

With the prospect of remote work becoming the norm, the possibilities for choosing where to live are expanding exponentially. Whether it’s the allure of a vibrant city, the tranquility of a seaside town, or the charm of a rustic village, the ideal location varies widely from person to person.

Factors like high-speed internet, low cost of living, high quality of life, and improved walkability are some of the major considerations for remote workers when choosing a place to live.

What are the Best Places to Work Remotely in the World?

The digital nomad’s map stretches far and wide, reaching corners of the globe from the historic lanes of Lisbon, Portugal, to the innovative cityscape of Tallinn, Estonia. These locations attract remote workers with their blend of rich cultural experiences, robust digital infrastructure, and welcoming visa policies for remote workers. Even Indonesia’s idyllic island, Bali, with its low cost of living and breathtaking landscapes, has emerged as a hotbed for remote work, offering a well-established digital nomad community and a myriad of co-working spaces.

However, the canvas of remote work is not just painted with bustling cities and tropical paradises. The serene fjords of Norway, the paved streets of Prague, and the majestic mountains of Queenstown have all become coveted spots for remote workers. These locations offer the opportunity to work amidst captivating natural beauty, fulfilling the promise of work-life balance that remote work embodies. Even amidst skyscrapers and bustling streets, cities like Toronto, Canada, and Melbourne, Australia have made their mark on the remote work map, proving that the concept fits various lifestyles and preferences.

What are Some Best Public Places to Work Remotely?

Wise the rise of remote working trends, co-working spaces are emerging as popular alternatives to traditional offices. These shared office environments, featuring established names like WeWork (NYSE:WE) and Regus (LON:IWG), are designed to cater to the needs of remote workers and small businesses.

For instance, WeWork (NYSE:WE) offers remote workers flexibility, comfort, and a sense of community in hundreds of locations across the globe. WeWork (NYSE:WE) provides a range of amenities, such as high-speed internet, private booths, meeting rooms, communal tables, and even free coffee and tea, catering to the needs of remote workers.

Likewise, Regus (LON:IWG) has more than 4,000 locations in over 120 countries. Regus (LON:IWG) provides a variety of workspace solutions, including private offices, co-working spaces, and virtual offices. Spaces like public libraries also offer more than just a quiet place to read. Many have embraced the needs of the digital age, providing free Wi-Fi, plenty of seating, and sometimes even dedicated workspaces or meeting rooms.

Meanwhile, coffee shops and cafes continue to be the tried-and-true favorites of many remote workers. The blend of casual ambiance, availability of food and drinks, and typically strong Wi-Fi make them an attractive option. These range from major chains like Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) to independent local cafes, each offering a unique vibe.

Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) provides free WiFi in all its stores, making it a popular place for remote workers. Starbucks’ (NASDAQ:SBUX) welcoming environment, comfortable seating, and a wide range of beverages and food have become synonymous with the “third place” concept – a space that’s not home or work, but an alternative place to relax, meet people, or work.

The appeal of working in natural environments hasn’t been overlooked either. Many public parks, equipped with Wi-Fi hotspots, offer a breath of fresh air for those who find their productivity spurred amidst greenery.

Even hotel lobbies and business centers, with their professional atmospheres, have become a go-to option for many remote workers. These spaces often provide Wi-Fi, workspaces, and meeting rooms for conducting professional tasks.


For our list of the 30 best places to live while working remotely, we focused not just on the practical considerations of remote work, but also the lifestyle elements that contribute to overall satisfaction and well-being.

We identified six primary indices to guide our selections:

  1. City Speed Index by Speed Test
  2. Monthly Cost of Living Index for a Single Person by Expatistan
  3. Best Cities to Live in the USA Rankings by Living Cost
  4. Workspace Rank by Lawn Starter
  5. Walkability Index (score: 0-100) by Walk Score
  6. Wi-Fi Map by

We started by selecting a broad range of cities, based on their frequency and ranking scores in each index. Each city was then assigned a rank from 1 (most favorable) to 30 (least favorable) on each index.

To ensure that the final list accurately reflected the factors that matter most to remote workers, we used weighted averages to refine the rankings. Each index was assigned a specific weight, reflecting its relative importance:

  • Internet Speed: 0.25
  • Cost of Living: 0.2
  • Quality of Life: 0.2
  • Workspace: 0.15
  • Walkability: 0.1
  • Availability of Free Wi-Fi: 0.1

Using this weighted scoring system, we were then able to generate weighted-averaged rankings. We then ranked them in descending order from 30 to 1 (based on the weighted-averaged rankings), with a ranking of 1 indicating the highest weighted rank and 30 representing the lowest on our list.

Below is our list of the 30 best places to live while working remotely.

30 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely

30. Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis combines a low cost of living with a friendly community and a growing tech industry. A fast median internet speed of around 200.14 Mbps and more than 1,200 free Wi-Fi hotspots make it an attractive place for remote workers.

29. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

A report named Pittsburgh a top place for hiring remote software engineers. The median monthly rent for 1-bedroom apartment in the city is below $1,300, making it one of the most affordable places to live in the US. The city also offers a number of coffee shops and bars for digital nomads to work outside the home.

28. Raleigh, North Carolina

Best known for its tech industry and research institutions, Raleigh not only offers a high quality of life but also a reasonable monthly cost of living for an individual below $2,200. The city ranks first on Wi-Fi Map, with a median internet download speed of 279.59 Mbps.

27. Seattle, Washington

Known as a tech hub, Seattle offers a high quality of life and access to stunning natural beauty, although the cost of living is higher than in many other cities on this list. With a high walkability score of 74.4, the city offers plenty of workspaces and access to more than 1,300 free Wi-Fi hotspots.

26. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City has a decent median internet speed of about 237.91 Mbps and more than 500 free Wi-Fi hotspots. With a median monthly rent of $877 for a 1-bedroom apartment, it is one of the cheapest places to work remotely in the USA.

25. Nashville, Tennessee

Known for its music scene, Nashville also offers a favorable cost of living and a friendly community. Tennessee has generally lower tax rates across the USA, with 82.4% homes having access to broadband, as noted by Forbes.

24. Austin, Texas

Known as a major tech hub, Austin offers a vibrant cultural vibe and a lower cost of living than many other tech-centric cities. According to CNBC, around 38% of Austin residents were working from home in 2021.

23. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

With a liveability score of 91, a decent walkability score of 61.5, and a low cost of living, Milwaukee makes one of the best places to live while working from home. The city’s average monthly median rent is also low, which is around $1,145 for a studio apartment.

22. Las Vegas, Nevada

Known for its entertainment industry, Las Vegas offers a low cost of living below $2,300 and a favorable tax climate. The city ranks fifth on Wi-Fi Map, with more than 2,500 free Wi-Fi hotspots.

21. Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville boasts a low cost of living below $2,200, a favorable climate, and a growing arts and culture scene. There are more than 1,200 free Wi-Fi hotspots across the city, with a decent internet speed of around 237.12 Mbps, making it one of the best places to live while working remotely.

20. Honolulu, Hawaii

For digital nomads who aren’t concerned about the high cost of living and want proximity to nature, Honolulu makes an ideal choice. The city’s cost of living is higher than the national average, but it offers a beautiful tropical setting and a laid-back lifestyle with good internet speed.

19. Madison, Wisconsin

Known for its outdoor amenities and recreation opportunities, Madison makes an ideal destination for remote workers. A study shows that Madison is one of the best US cities for remote workers, compromising 23% of the remote workforce.

18. Portland, Oregon

Portland is known for its environmental friendliness, cultural amenities, and creative, laid-back vibe. It achieves a liveability score of 90, ranking 28th on the Best Cities to Live in the USA index. The city has more than 1,600 free Wi-Fi hotspots.

17. Tampa, Florida

Tampa combines affordable living with beach access and a growing tech scene. Several studies consistently rank Tampa as one of the best cities for remote workers. The city has numerous coffee shops, dedicated workspaces, and hangouts.

16. Houston, Texas

Known for its diversity and food culture, Houston offers a low cost of living below $2,400 for a single person and a strong job market. It also ranks fifth on Wi-Fi Map with 2,167 free Wi-Fi hotspots and sixth on Best Cities to Live in the United States Index with a liveability score of 93.

15. Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth combines the amenities of a big city with a friendly, laid-back vibe. With a reasonable monthly cost of living below $2,500, a fast internet speed of around 229.68 Mbps, and a more than 950 free Wi-Fi hotspots, the city makes one of the best places to live while working remotely.

14. Kansas City, Missouri

With its central location, vibrant culture, and affordable living, Kansas City is an attractive choice for digital nomads. It has plenty of high-tech co-working spaces and coffee shops, with a decent internet speed of about 241.41 Mbps.

13. Spokane, Washington

Spokane offers a rich cultural scene and access to beautiful natural landscapes, along with a low cost of living. According to Forbes, the city has the best internet access for remote workers, with more than 390 free Wi-Fi hotspots across the city.

12. Orlando, Florida

Orlando is more than just theme parks. The city has a growing tech landscape and a cost of living that is lower than the national average. With a liveability score of 91, more than 1,200 free Wi-Fi hotspots, and a median internet speed of 213.61, the city makes one of the best places to live while working remotely.

11. Irvine, California

Irvine offers an excellent quality of life, securing 17th rank among the best cities to live in the US, although the cost of living is higher than in many other cities on this list. Best known for its tech industry, the city ranks fifth on City Speed Index, with a median download speed of 260.38.

Click to continue reading and see the 10 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely.

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Disclosure. None. 30 Best Places to Live While Working Remotely is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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