3 Most Valuable Business Lessons that Changed My Life

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1. Be with the Best

To be the best, you have to be with the best. It’s important to keep the best people employed and to make friends with the people you conceive as the best in their craft. You’ll gain valuable insight that can only be shared by people who’ve been there. They may not necessarily have the same insight as you do. Having people and connections like these can multiply your knowledge and improve your business faster than any trial and error can. To put it in another words – if you spend too much time with people who do not understand the business, or with those who are negative and doubtful, you’ll most likely vicariously learn their bad habits.


Business is always about being the best against yourself and your competitors, to always be a step ahead. Yet, it’s amazing how these principles can also apply to different aspects of our lives. I’ve learned that business is a practical insight on how to go through life. Take away the money, the popularity and the ambition and what you have is a man working his heart out to become better than what he is now.

Hopefully, the 3 most valuable business lessons that changed my life have also helped you to acquire a different perspective of your current situation.

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